
भाकृअनुप - भारतीय मक्का अनुसंधान संस्थान

ICAR - Indian Institute of Maize Research

(ISO 9001:2015 certified)

Nurturing Diversity, Resilience, Livelihood & Industrial Inputs

मक्का जर्मप्लाज्म की विशेषता और विविधता

of the Project
: Characterization and Diversification of Maize Germplasm
Project Duration : 01.06.2014 to 31.05.2019
Project funding : Institute funded ICAR-Indian Institute of Maize Research (formerly ICAR-Directorate of Maize Research, New Delhi.
Total approved cost of the project : ` 4,75,00,000=00
Objective : Assessment of genetic diversity in maize germplasmDevelopment of different heterotic groupsBroadening the genetic base through introgression and/or incorporation
Projcet team : Principal Investigator: Dr. Chikkappa G. Karjagi Co-Principal Investigators: Dr. Jyoti Kaul, Principal ScientistDr. Vinay Mahajan, Principal ScientistDr. KS Hooda, Principal ScientistDr. S.B. Singh, Principal ScientistDr. Sunil Neelam, Senior Scientist Dr. Nirupma Singh, ScientistDr. Bhupender Kumar, ScientistDr. Ganapati Mukri, ScientistMr. Vishal Singh, ScientistMr. Yatish KR, ScientistMr. Mukesh ChoudharyDr. Alla Singh, Scientist
Major achievements : Three inbred lines namely NN42050-1, CM117-341 and PLP-99-DM16 (EC440638) found resistant to TLB with disease scoring <3.0 at hot-spot locations.Three inbred lines namely CIMs-G18-74 (G18seqcef74-2-1), PML 41, TAI-99-PTS31 (EC440609) were found resistant to Charcoal Rot.Two inbred lines namely JCY 6, BGS 337, UMI 1220 were found resistant to MLB based on multi-year and multi-location evaluation under artificial inoculated conditions.