
भाकृअनुप - भारतीय मक्का अनुसंधान संस्थान

ICAR - Indian Institute of Maize Research

(ISO 9001:2015 certified)

Nurturing Diversity, Resilience, Livelihood & Industrial Inputs

डॉ. शंकर लाल जाट

Designation: वैज्ञानिक (शस्य विज्ञान)

Qualification: M.Sc. (Ag.) in Agronomy from CSAUAT, Ph.D. in Agronomy from Indian Agricultural Research Institute.

Address: #115, ICAR-Indian Institute of Maize Research Pusa Campus Ludhiana 141 004 (INDIA)

Email: sl.jat@icar.gov.in, sliari@gmail.com

Phone: +919953009711

Work experience

  • Scientist (Agronomy) from May 01, 2010 – till date: Indian Institute of Maize Research, Ludhiana (India)
  • Scientist (Agronomy) from Dec 18, 2009 – April 15, 2009: National Academy of Agricultural Research Management (India)

Area of interest

Conservation agriculture, precision nutrient management

Most significant achievements (in last five years)

  1. Developed conservation agriculture based maize-wheat0-mungbean and maize-mustard-mungbean system for higher yield, economic profitability and soil health.
  2. Developed effective pre- and post-emergence weed management practices in maize systems.
  3. The nutrient management by slow release fertilizers and precision nutrient management for higher nutrient use efficiency and soil health.
  4. Associated with registration of new lines viz., DML 339 (INGR17022), DQL1019 (INGR17023)
  5. Associated in development and release of hybrids DMRH 1301, field corn hybrid for Rabi in NEPZ and CWZ; DMRH1305, field corn hybrid for kharif season in NHZ DMRH1308, field corn hybrid for Rabi CWZ; DMRHP1402, popcorn early maturity hybrid in kharif for NWPZ and CWZ; IMHB1532, baby corn hybrid for kharif in NWPZ and CWZ and IMHB1539, baby corn hybrid for kharif in NHZ.

 Publications in last five years

Research papers

  1. Jat SL, Parihar CM, Singh AK, Nayak HS, Meena BR, Kumar B, Parihar MD and Jat ML. 2019. Differential response from N sources with and without residue management under conservation agriculture on crop yields, water-use and economics in maize-based rotations. Field Crops Research, 236(2019):96–110.
  2. Jat SL, Parihar CM, Singh AK, Kumar B, Choudhary M, Nayak HS, Parihar MD, Parihar N and Meena BR. 2019. Energy auditing and carbon footprint under long-term conservation agriculture-based intensive maize systems with diverse inorganic nitrogen management options. Science of the Total Environment 664 (2019): 659-668.
  3. Parihar MD, Parihar CM, Nanwal RK, Singh AK, Jat SL, Nayak HS, Ghasal PC, Jewlia HR, Choudhary M and Jat ML. 2019. Effect of different tillage and residue management practices on crop and water productivity and economics in maize (Zea mays) based rotations. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 89(2):360-6.
  4. Devi S, Gupta C, Parmar MS and Jat SL. Enhancing the mechanical toughness of epoxy-resin composites using natural corn stalk fibre as reinforcements. International Journal of Chemical Studies. 7(5): 2017-2023.
  5. Shivay YS, Pooniya V, Pal M, Ghasal PC, Bana RS and Jat SL. 2019. Coated Urea Materials for Improving Yields, Profitability, and Nutrient Use Efficiencies of Aromatic Rice. Global Challenges, 2019. 1900013.
  6. Parihar CM, Nayaka HS, Rai VK, Jat SL, Parihar N, Aggarwal P and Mishra AK. 2019. Soil water dynamics, water productivity and radiation use efficiency of maize under multi-year conservation agriculture during contrasting rainfall events. Field Crops Research, 241(2019):1075570.
  7. Devi S, Gupta C, Parmar MS, Jat SL, Sisodia N and Kapil N. Mechanical properties of reinforced polyester and epoxy composites of corn (Zea mays) stalk fibre. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 89(5):873-6.
  8. Jat SL, Parihar CM, Dey A, Nayak HS, Ghosh A, Parihar N, Goswami AK and Singh AK. 2019. Dynamics and temperature sensitivity of soil organic carbon mineralization under medium-term conservation agriculture as affected by residue and nitrogen management options. Soil and Tillage Research. 190 (2019):175-185.
  9. Parihar CM, Singh AK, Jat SL, Ghosh A, Dey A, Nayak HS, Parihar MD, Mahala DM, Yadav RK, Rai V, Satayanaryana T and Jat ML. Dependence of temperature sensitivity of soil organic carbon decomposition on nutrient management options under conservation agriculture in a sub-tropical Inceptisol. Soil and Tillage Research. 190: 50-60.
  10. Stori RM, Parihar CM, Ahmadi S, Ahmadzai KM, Nayak HS, Jat SL, Mandal BN, Wasifhy MK, Sayedi SA, Shamsi AB, Ehsan Q, Parihar MD, Kumar L and Meena BR. 2019. Economical optimum dose of phosphorus for mungbean (Vigna radiata) under contrasting tillage practices in arid region. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 89(1): 165-8.
  11. Parihar MD, Parihar CM, Nanwal RK, Singh AK, Jat SL, Nayak HS, Ghasal PC, Jewlia HR, Choudhary M and Jat ML. 2019. Effect of different tillage and residue management practices on crop and water productivity and economics in maize (Zea mays) based rotations. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 89 (2): 360-366.
  12. Stori RM, Parihar CM, Ahmadzai KM, Jat SL, Mandal BN, Kumar L and Meena BR. 2018. Effect of tillage practices and phosphorus doses on the performance of mungbean (Vigna radiata) in semi-arid Kandahar region of Afghanistan. Indian Journal of Agronomy 63(4): 532-534.
  13. Obaid H, Shivay YS, Jat SL and Sharifi S. 2018. Optimization of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers doses in hybrid maize (Zea mays) in Kandahar province of Afghanistan. Indian Journal of Agronomy 63(4): 521-523.
  14. Pradhan S, Sehgal VK, Bandyopadhyay KK, Panigrahi P, Parihar CM and Jat SL. 2018. Radiation interception, extinction coefficient and use efficiency of wheat crop at various irrigation and nitrogen levels in a semi-arid location. Indian Journal of Plant Physiology, 23(3): 416-425.
  15. Mukri G, Kumar R, Rajendran A, Kumar B, Hooda KS, Karjagi CG, Singh V, Jat SL, Das AK, Sekhar JC and Singh SB. 2018. Strategic selection of white maize inbred lines for tropical adaptation and their utilization in developing stable, medium to long duration maize hybrids. Maydica, 63M16.
  16. Parihar CM, Parihar MD, Sapkota TB, Nanwal RK, Singh AK, Jat SL, Nayak HS, Mahala DM, Singh LK, Kakraliya SK, Stirling CM and Jat ML. 2018. Long-term impact of conservation agriculture and diversified maize rotations on carbon pools and stocks, mineral nitrogen fractions and nitrous oxide fluxes in Inceptisol of India. Science of the Total Environment 640–641:1382-1392.
  17. Parihar CM, Jat SL*, Singh AK, Datta A, Parihar MD, Varghes E, Bandyopadhyay KK, Nayak HS, Kuri BR and Jat ML.2018. Changes in carbon pools and biological activities of a sandy loam soil under long-term conservation agriculture and diversified cropping systems. European Journal of Soil Science September 2018, 69: 902–912.
  18. Mukri G, Gadag RN, Nepolean T, Bhat JS and Jat SL. 2017. Selection of high density responsive inbred lines for enhancing maize productivity. Maize Journal, 6(1&2): 52-55.
  19. Parihar CM, Yadav MR, Jat SL*, Singh AK, Kumar B, Pooniya V, Pradhan S, Verma RK, Jat ML, Jat RK, Parihar MD, Nayak HS and Saharawat YS. Long Term Conservation Agriculture and Intensified Cropping Systems: Effect on Growth, Yield, Water and Energy-use Efficiency of Maize in North-Western India. Pedosphere 28(6): 952-963.
  20. Kaje VV, Sharma DK, Shivay YS, Jat SL, Bhatia A, Purakayastha TJ, Bandyopadhyay KK and Bhattacharyya R. 2018. Long-term impact of organic and conventional farming on soil physical properties under rice (Oryza sativa)-wheat (Triticum aestivum) cropping system in north-western Indo-Gangetic plains. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 88(1): 107–13.
  21. Jat RK, Singh P, Jat ML, Dia M, Sidhu HS, Jat SL, Bijarniya D, Jat HS, Parihar CM, Kumar U and Ridaura SL. 2018. Heat stress and yield stability of wheat genotypes under different sowing dates across agro-ecosystems in India. Field Crops Research, 218: 33-50.
  22. Parihar CM, Jat SL*, Singh AK, Kumar B, Rathore NS, Jat ML, Saharawat YS and Kuri BR. 2018. Energy auditing of long-term conservation agriculture based irrigated intensive maize systems in semi-arid tropics of India. Energy 142: 289-302.
  23. Mohanty SK, Jat SL, Singh AK, Parihar CM and Gir P. 2017. Factor productivity, nutrient-use-efficiency of -efficiency of wheat (Triticum aestivum) as influenced by precision nitrogen-management practices under conservation agriculture. The Bioscan. 12(2): 1155-1158.
  24. Hargilas, Singh AK, Jat SL, Rokadia PK and Kumar A. 2017. Response of maize (Zea mays) hybrids to nutrient management practices for enhancing productivity and profitability under sub-humid condition of Southern Rajasthan. Indian Journal of Agronomy 62(3): 326-331.
  25. Parihar CM, Jat SL*, Singh AK, Ghosh A, Rathore NS, Kumar B, Pradhan S, Majumdar K, Satyanarayana T, Jat ML, Saharawat YS, Kuri BR and Saveipune D. 2017. Effects of precision conservation agriculture in a maize-wheat-mungbean rotation on crop yield, water-use and radiation conversion under a semiarid agro-ecosystem. Agricultural Water Management, 192: 306-319.
  26. Jat ML, Jat RK, Singh P, Jat SL, Sidhu HS, Jat HS, Bijarniya D, Parihar CM and Gupta R. 2017. Predicting Yield and Stability Analysis of Wheat under Different Crop Management Systems across Agro-Ecosystems in India. American Journal of Plant Sciences 8: 1977-2012.
  27. Pradhan S, Sehgal VK, Bandyopadhyay KK, Sahoo RN, Panigrahi P, Parihar CM and Jat SL. 2017. Comparison of Vegetation Indices from Two Ground Based Sensors. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 1007/s12524-017-0671-0.
  28. Sivamurugan AP, Ravikesavan R, Yuvaraja A, Singh AK and Jat SL. 2017. Weed Management in Maize with New Herbicides. Chemical Science Review and Letters 6(22): 1054-1058.
  29. Yadav MR, Parihar CM, Jat SL, Singh AK, Kumar R, Yadav RK, Kuri BR, Parihar MD, Yadav B, Verma AP and Jat ML. 2017. Long term effect of legume intensified crop rotations and tillage practices on productivity and profitability of maize vis-a-vis soil fertility in North Western Indo-Gangetic Plains of India. Legume Research DOI: 10.18805/lr.v0i0.7583.
  30. Kuri BR, Jat NL, Shivran AC, Jat SL, Kumar L, Panwar S and Parihar 2017. Yield, economics, nutrient uptake and quality of coriander (Coriandrum sativum) under different sowing time, varieties and plant growth regulators. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 87(3): 407–13.
  31. Kumar B, Hooda KS, Singh V, Sekhar JC, Kumar V, Parihar CM, Jat SL, Singh AK, Kaul J, Kaur H, Kaur H and Yadav OP. 2017. Multi-environment field testing to identify stable sources of resistance to charcoal rot (Macrophomina phaseolina) disease in tropical maize germplasm. Maydica 62 (1): 1-7.
  32. Changan S, Chaudhary DP, Kumar S, Kumar B, Kaul J, Guleria S, Jat SL, Singode A, Tufchi M, Langyan S and Yadav OP. 2017. Biochemical characterization of elite maize (Zea mays) germplasm for carotenoids composition. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 87(1):46-50.
  33. Jat SL, Parihar CM, Singh AK, Kumar B, Singh B and Saveipune D. 2017. Plant density and fertilization in hybrid quality protein maize (Zea mays): Effects on the soil nutrient status and performance of succeeding wheat (Triticum aestivum) and productivity of cropping system. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 87(1):23-28.
  34. Parihar CM, Jat SL, Singh AK, Majumdar K, Jat ML, Saharawat YS, Pradhan S and Kuri BR. 2017. Bio-energy, water-use efficiency and economics of maize-wheat-mungbean system under precision-conservation agriculture in semi-arid agro-ecosystem. Energy 119: 245-256.
  35. Hargilas and Jat SL. 2017. Effect of tillage management on direct seeded rice (Oryza sativa)-maize (Zea mays) cropping system. Maize Journal 5(1&2):59-62.
  36. Kumar K, Kumar A, Rana KS, Jat SL, and Kumar A. 2016. Effect of different nitrification inhibitors doses and varying nitrogen levels on productivity and economics of hybrid maize (Zea mays). Indian Journal of Agronomy 61(4): 512-514.
  37. Kumar K, Kumar A, Rana KS, Jat SL, Kumar R and Kumar A. 2016. Effect of different doses of nitrification inhibitors and varying levels of nitrogen on Growth, development and N, P and K content in grain and straw of maize (Zea mays L). Annals of Agricultural Research New Series 37(4):397-401.
  38. Kumar B, Srivastava S, Kaur H, Yadav P, Jat SL, Parihar CM, Singh AK, Tiwari T, Kumar V, Sharma S And Kaul J. 2016. Hydro and aeroponic technique for rapid drought tolerance screening in maize (Zea mays). Indian Journal of Agronomy 61(4): 509-511.
  39. Kumar S, Parihar SS, Singh M, Jat SL, Sehgal V, Mirja PR and Devi S. 2016. Effect of conservation agriculture practices and irrigation scheduling on productivity and water-use efficiency of maize (Zea mays)–wheat (Triticum aestivum) cropping system. Indian Journal of Agronomy 61(4): 443-448.
  40. Mohanty SK, Jat SL, Parihar CM, Singh AK, Sharma S, Saveipune D, Sandhya and Kuri BR. 2016. Precision nitrogen management practices in wheat influences nutrient uptake and their use efficiencies and fertility status of soil under conservation agriculture. Annals of Agricultural Research New Series 37(3): 282-289.
  41. KumarB,  Guleria SK, Khanorkar  SM, Dubey RB, Patel JM, Kumar V, Parihar CM, Jat SL,  Singh V,  Yathish KR, Das A,  Sekhar JC, Bhati P, Kaur H, Kumar M,  Singh AK, Varghese E and  Yadav 2016. Selection indices to identify maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids adapted under drought stress and normal ecologies in tropical climate. Crop and Pasture Science DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/CP16141.
  42. Parihar CM, Yadav MR, Jat SL, Singh AK, Kumar B, Pradhan S, Chakraborty D, Jat ML, Jat RK, Saharawat YS and Yadav OP. 2016. Long term effect of conservation agriculture in maize rotations on total organic carbon, physical and biological properties of a sandy loam soil in north-western Indo-Gangetic Plains. Soil and Tillage Research 161: 0167-1987.
  43. Yadav MR, Parihar CM, Jat SL, Singh AK, Kumar D, Pooniya V, Parihar MD, Saveipune D, Parmar H and Jat ML. 2016. Effect of long-term tillage and diversified crop rotations on nutrient uptake, profitability and energetics of maize (Zea mays) in north-western India. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 86 (6): 743-49.
  44. Ansari MA, Choudhary BU, Prakash N, Kumar B, Jat SL, Mishra D and Ansari 2016. Genotypic variations in phenology, productivity and heat-use efficiency of rainfed maize (Zea mays L.) in acid soils of North Eastern Himalayan. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 86 (6): 796–802.
  45. Kumar S, Parihar SS, Singh M, Jat SL, Meena BL, Mirjha PR and Ram H. 2016. Conservation agriculture practices and irrigation scheduling affects the energy dynamics in a maize production system. Ecology, Environment and Conservation 22(2): 485-491.
  46. Parihar CM, Jat SL, Singh AK, Kumar B, Singh Y, Pradhan S, Pooniya V, Dhauja A, Chaudhary V, Jat ML, Jat RK and Yadav OP. 2016. Conservation agriculture in irrigated intensive maize-based systems of north-western India: Effects on crop yields, water productivity and economic profitability. Field Crops Research 193:104-116.
  47. Mohanty SK, Singh AK, Jat SL, Parihar CM, Pooniya V, Sharma S, Chaudhary SV and Singh B. Precision nitrogen-management practices influences growth and yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum) under conservation agriculture. Indian Journal of Agronomy 60(4):86-90.
  48. Pooniya V, Jat SL, Choudhary AK, Singh AK, Parihar CM, Bana RS, Swarnalakshmi K and Rana KS. 2015. Nutrient expert’ assisted site–specific–nutrient–management: An alternative precision fertilization technology for maize-wheat cropping system in South-Asian Indo–Gangetic Plains. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 85(8): 996–1002.
  49. Kumar V, Singh AK, Jat SL, Parihar CM, Pooniya V, Singh B and Sharma S. 2015. Precision nutrient and conservation agriculture practices for enhancing productivity, profitability, nutrient-use efficiencies and soil nutrient status of maize (Zea mays) hybrids. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 85(7): 926-30.
  50. Kumar V, Singh AK, Jat SL, Parihar CM, Pooniya V and Sharma S. 2015. Nutrient uptake and fertilizer use efficiency of maize hybrids under conservation agriculture with nutrient expert based SSNM practices. Annals of Agricultural Research New Series 36(2):160-166.
  51. Singh AK, Parihar CM, Jat SL, Singh B and Sharma S. 2015. Weed management strategies in maize (Zea mays): Effect on weed dynamics, productivity and economics of the maize- wheat (Triticum aestivum) cropping system in Indo-gangetic plains. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 85 (1): 87–92.

 Review/Popular articles

  1. Kumar P, Choudhary M, Hossain F, Singh NK, Choudhary P, Gupta M, Singh V, Chikkappa GK, Kumar R, Kumar B, Jat SL and Rakshit S. 2019. Nutritional quality improvement in maize: Progress and Challenges. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(6): 895–911.
  2. Mahala DM, Jat SL, Parihar CM, Singh AK, Bamboriya SD, Rakhsit S. 2019. AICRP on Maize Research: Salient Achievements and Future Research Directions in Nutrient Management Research. Indian Journal of Fertilisers, 15(4): 418-426.
  3. Yadav MR, Kumar R, Parihar CM, Yadav RK, Jat SL, Ram H, Meena RK, Singh M, Verma AP, Kumar U, Ghosh A and Jat ML. 2017. Strategies for enhancing nitrogen use efficiency: A review. Agricultural Reviews, 38(1): 29-40.

55.  Yadav MR, Parihar CM, Kumar R, Yadav RK, Jat SL, Singh AK, Ram H, Meena RK, Singh M, Meena VK, Yadav N, Yadav B, Kumawat C and Jat ML. 2017. Conservation Agriculture and Soil Quality– An Overview. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 6(2): 707-734

  1. Jat ML, Jat HS, Jat RK, Tetarwal JP, Jat SL, Parihar CM and Sidhu HS. 2016. Conservation agriculture-based sustainable intensification of cereal systems for enhancing pulse production and attaining higher resource-use efficiency in India. Indian Journal of Agronomy, 61 (4th IAC Special issue): S182-S198.

57.  Yadav MR, Parihar CM, Kumar R, Meena RK, Verma AP, Yadav RK, Yadav RH, Taramani, Singh M, Jat SL and Sharma A. 2016. Performance of maize under conservation tillage. International Journal of Agriculture Sciences, 8(39):1802-1805.

  1. Yadav OP, Prasanna BM, Yadava P, Jat SL, Dhillon BS, Solanki IS and Sandhu JS. 2016. Doubling maize production and productivity of India by 2025– Challenges and Opportunities. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 86(4): 427–34.
  2. Jat HS, Jat RK, Singh Y, Parihar CM, Jat SL, Tetarwal JP, Sidhu HS and Jat ML. 2016. Nitrogen Management under Conservation Agriculture in Cereal Based Systems. Indian Journal of Fertilisers, 12(4): 76-91.
  3. Yadav OP, Hossain F, Karjagi CG, Kumar B, Zaidi PH, Jat SL, Chawla JS, Kaul J, Hooda KS, Kumar P, Yadava P and Dhillon BS. 2015. Genetic Improvement of Maize in India: Retrospect and Prospects. Agricultural Research, 4(4):1-14.
  4. Sheshnath M, Kumar A, Jat SL, Parihar CM, Sharma V,  Chikkappa GK, and Singh AK. 2017. Single Cross Hybrid Seed Production in Maize. Indian farming, 67(05):22-24.

 Books edited

  1. Kumar A, Parihar CM, Jat SL, Kumar A and Singh N. 2016. Production, Protection and Value Addition for Maize based Production Systems. (Sponsored by: Directorate of Extension, Ministry of Agriculture, GoI. Published by ICAR-Indian Institute of Maize Research, Pusa Campus, New Delhi, India, ISBN 978-81-928624-1-5. P. 167.
  2. Dass A, Singh AK, Kaur R, Choudhary AK, Parihar CM, Jat SL, Rana DS and Rana KS. 2014. Agronomy in the Service of Nation: A Directory of Indian Agronomists. Published by Indian Society of Agronomy, Division of Agronomy, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India pp: 308 + viii.
  3. Kumar A, Jat SL, Kumar R and Yadav OP. 2013. Maize production systems for improving resource-use efficiency and livelihood security. Directorate of Maize Research, Pusa Campus, New Delhi- 110 012, 123p. (ISBN 978-81-928624-0-8).

 Book chapters

  1. Dass S, Jat SL, Chikkappa GK and Parihar CM. 2019. Crop Production Management to Climate Change. In: Food Security and Climate Change (eds Yadav et al.). Wiley-Blackwell, pp 251-288.
  2. Rakshit S, Chikkappa KG, Jat SL, Dhillon BS and Singh NN. 2017. Scaling-up of Proven Technology for Maize Improvement through Participatory Approach in India. Page 36-60. In:  Best Practices of Maize Production Technologies in South Asia (eds. Pandey PR and Koirala KB). SAARC Agriculture Centre, Dhaka, pp 36-60
  3. Dass S, Jat SL, Parihar CM, Chikkappa GK, Kamboj MC and Nara U. 2017. Baby Corn. In: Horticultural crops of high nutra-pharmaceutical values ( Peter KV) Brillion Publishing, ISBN: 9789387445109 e-ISBN: 9789387445116.
  4. Dotaniya ML, Meena VD, Kumar K, Meena BP, Jat SL, Lata M, Ram A, Dotaniya CK and Chari MS. 2016. Impact of Biosolids on Agriculture and Biodiversity. In: Environmental Impact on Biodiversity (eds. Bamniya BR and Gadi BR) Today & Tomorrow’s Printers and Publishers, pp. 11-20.
  5. Parihar CM, Kumar B, Jat SL, Singh AK, Jat ML, Chaudhary V and Dass S. Specialty Corn for Nutritional Security and Dietary Diversification. In: Biofortification of Food Crops. Springer India New Delhi, pp 387-398.
  6. Dass A, Jat SL and Rana KS. 2015. Resource Conserving Techniques for Improving Nitrogen-Use Efficiency. In: Nutrient Use Efficiency: from Basics to Advances (eds. Rakshit, Amitava, Singh, Harikesh B, Sen A). Springer,pp 45-48.

 Technical Bulletins

  1. Rakshit S, Ballal CR, Prasad YG, Sekhar JC, Soujanya PL, Suby SB, Jat SL, Sivakumar G. and Prasad JV. 2019. Fight against Fall Armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (JE Smith). ICAR-Indian Institute of Maize Research, Ludhiana, pp. 52.
  2. Ansari MA, Prakash N, Kumar A, Jat SL, Baishya LK, Sharma SK, Bungbuncha Ch, Sanatombi Kh and Singh SS. 2016. Maize production technology highlighted in North East India. Training Manual RCM (TM) 09. ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Manipur Centre, Lamphelpat, Imphal-795004.

 Significant recognition

  • FAI Golden Jubilee Award for excellence in Fertilizer Use Research by FAI, New Delhi (2019).
  • N.N. Singh Young Scientist Award by Maize Technologists Association of India (2020).
  • Best Scientist Certificate by ICAR-Indian Institute of Maize Research, Ludhiana (2020).
  • Best Scientist Certificate by ICAR-Indian Institute of Maize Research, Ludhiana (2019).
  • ICAR-NASF Project of Rs 182 Lakh as Principal Investigator on “Long-term conservation agriculture impact on microbiome and soil health indicators for resource efficiency and resilience in maize systems” for 2018-21.
  • Certificate of Appreciation by Afghanistan National Agricultural Science and Technology University (ANASTU), Ministry of higher Education, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (2016 and 2018).
  • Recognition Award by ICAR-Indian Institute of Maize Research, Ludhiana (2018).
  • FAI-Dhiru Morarji Award for best article in Indian Journal of Fertilizers by FAI, New Delhi (2016).
  • IARI Merit Medal for outstanding performance during the PhD degree programme (2010).
  • Shreeram Puruskar by FAI, New Delhi (2010 and 2013)
  • Editor of Maize Journal (2011-12), Popular Kheti (2013-2014), Kisan Kheti (2013-2014); ScholarsReport (2016 onwards), Associate Editor Indian Journal of Agronomy (2013-14),
  • Indira Devi Gold Medal (2004).
  • Dayanand Gold Medal (2003).