
भाकृअनुप - भारतीय मक्का अनुसंधान संस्थान

ICAR - Indian Institute of Maize Research

(ISO 9001:2015 certified)

Nurturing Diversity, Resilience, Livelihood & Industrial Inputs

सामान्य और विशेष मक्का जर्मप्लाज्म का जैव रासायनिक लक्षण वर्णन

Title of project: Biochemical characterization of normal and specialty corn germplasm
Project funding: Institute
Duration: April 2012 to March 2017
Total approved cost of the project: Institute project


  • To evaluate chemical composition of the newly developed QPM lines
  • Amino acid profiling of promising germplasm
  • Evaluation of carbohydrate profile viz. sugar, starch, amylose, and amylopectin content in maize germplasm
  • Evaluation of oil content in maize germplasm
  • Fatty acid profiling of promising maize germplasm

Project team:

S. No. Name, designation and institute Status in the project (PI/CC-PI/ Co-PI) Time to be spent (%) Work components to be assigned to individual scientist
1. Dharam Paul PI 30 % Execution of the experiments and observation of various parameters
2. Jyoti Kaul Co-PI 20 % Development of QPM material for winter season
3. Ramesh Kumar Co-PI 20 % Development of maize germplasm
4. Sapna Co-PI 20 % Analysis of data
5. Bhupinder Kumar Co-PI 10 % Development of maize germplasm

Major achievements:

  • A negative correlation between protein and tryptophan has been observed in a set of 588 lines consisting of 47 populations (533 lines) and 55 CLM lines analyzed for protein quality.
  • A set of nine high oil (>5%) lines {TALAR X AF 04-6-57-96-A-7-1-1-9, TALAR X AF 04-6-57-96-A-7-1-1-40, DMR WNC HOC 84, TempxTrop(H0)QPM-BBB-69-BBB, TLWQ(H0)QPMC15-BBB-64-BBB, TLWQ(H0)QPMC15-BBB-55-BBB, TempxTrop(H0)QPM-BBB-73-BBB, TempxTrop(H0)QPM-BBB-100-BBB and TLWQ(HO)QPMC15BBB38BBB} have been identified.
  • Fatty acid composition of normal, QPM and high oil maize revealed that stearic acid content was significantly low in high oil normal maize (56%) and QPM (36.2 %) in comparison to low oil normal maize. Higher content of linoleic acid was observed in specialty maize as compared to low oil normal maize.
  • Three high starch (>73%) lines {DMR PE6-2, HP 963-17 and NZB2012} and five high protein (>13%) lines {(CA14502/CA14509)-F2-14-BBB-CML451-BBB-OPc14S1, CML 44, EC646016, PFSR R3ÄÄÄÄ, PFSR S3} were identified out of large stock of inbreds (217nos.) analyzed at two locations under three replications.