
भाकृअनुप - भारतीय मक्का अनुसंधान संस्थान

ICAR - Indian Institute of Maize Research

(ISO 9001:2015 certified)

Nurturing Diversity, Resilience, Livelihood & Industrial Inputs

एग्रो-जैव विविधता पर कंसोर्सिया अनुसंधान मंच

Title of the Project: Consortia Research Platform of Agrobiodiversity (CRP-AB)
Characterization, multiplication and evaluation for important biotic and abiotic traits of plant genetic resources of selected crops (NBPGR)
PGR Management and Use of Maize (Component-I) – Characterization

Project Duration:
Phase-I- 01.01.2014 to 31.03.2017
Phase-II- 01.04.2017 to 31.03.2020

Funding Agency:
External funded (Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi)

Total approved cost of the project:
Phase-I- 24,75,000=00 [Sanctioned 1,35,90,000=00]
Phase-II – ` 19,50,000=00

Phase –I and Phase-II- Characterization and rejuvenation of maize genetic resources conserved at NBPGR
Project team:

Phase –I
Principal Investigator:

  1. Dr. Chikkappa G. Karjagi (w.e.f. 7th October, 2016)
  2. Dr. Jyoti Kaul (2014-6th October, 2016)
    Co-Principal Investigators:
  3. Dr. Sunil Neelam

Principal Investigator:

  1. Dr. Chikkappa G. Karjagi (w.e.f. 7th October, 2016)
    Co-Principal Investigators:
  2. Dr. Sunil Neelam

Major achievements
Phase –I

  1. A total of 2300 accessions, have been characterized involving.
  2. 1150 germplasm accessions were rejuvenated and multiplied based on their biological status i.e. inbred lines were self-pollinated whereas populations and varieties were sib-mated with a purpose to maintain the identity as well as to maintain the allelic diversity.
  3. The data so generated is expected to provide potentially valuable information on traits of importance and eventually encourage utilization in breeding programmes

  4. Total of 550 maize germplasm accessions were characterized.
  5. 750 germplasm accessions were rejuvenated and multiplied based on their biological status i.e. inbred lines were self-pollinated whereas populations and varieties were sib-mated with a purpose to maintain the identity as well as to maintain the allelic diversity.
  6. The seed multiplication of 898 maize inbred lines was undertaken during 2019-20 to multiply sufficient quantity of seeds for evaluation in the next phase.