
भाकृअनुप - भारतीय मक्का अनुसंधान संस्थान

ICAR - Indian Institute of Maize Research

(ISO 9001:2015 certified)

Nurturing Diversity, Resilience, Livelihood & Industrial Inputs

बढ़ी हुई उपज और तनाव सहिष्णुता के साथ जल्दी परिपक्वन वाली मक्का संकर का विकास

Title of project: Development of early maturing maize hybrids with enhanced yield and stress tolerance


  • Development of early maturing inbreds and their heterotic grouping.
  • Evaluation of early germplasm under biotic and abiotic stresses.
  • Development of early maturing hybrids and study their combining ability of newer inbreds.

Project team:

  • Manesh Chander Dagla, Plant Breeding, PI
  • Mukesh Choudhary, Plant Breeding, CoPI
  • B.S. Jat, Plant Breeding, CoPI
  • Soujnya P., Entomology, CoPI
  • Sumit Kumar Aggrawal, Plant Pathology, CoPI

Major achievements:

  • The genotypes CML433-2-1-Ä-1-2(2.0); North east 4-1(N)-2-Ä-1-1-1(1.8); North east 4-1(N)-2-Ä-1-1-2(2.1); V338-1Ä-1-1-1 -1-Ä-1-1-1-2 (2.0); HEY Pool(Extra Early)Ä-1-3-Ä-2-1 (2.5); PFSR (Y)-C1-A-A1 Ä-3-2-1-1-1-1-2 (1.4) identified resistant to post-flowering stalk rots. The genotype 141143-PP-7-1-1 identified for resistant to charcoal rot and the genotype [(E13118/CML474)PMH1]-5-2-1-1-1 identified resistant against MLB.
  • Five genotypes; CML-73 (4.8), VQPM9-1-1-1-1 (3.3), HEY Pool -2011-12-1-1-3-4-1 (4.5), HEY Pool -2011-25-6-1-3-1-1 (4.5) and HEY Pool -2011-25-6-2-1-5-1 (4.5) identified resistant to Chilo partellus with LIR ≤ resistant check CM 500 (4.8).
  • The lines; HEY Pool -2011-30-4-1-2-2-1 (2.20), HEY Pool -2011-41-2-1-1-1-1 (2.23) were found resistant to S.inferens while HEY Pool -2011-41-2-1-1-2-1(3.23), DMRE63 (3.53), HEY Pool -2011-21-2-3-3-1-1 (4.30) and VQPM9-2-1-2-1 (5.43) were moderately resistant to S.inferens.
  • Five lines namely, CM 13CML-50HEY Pool -2011-30-4-1-2-2-1 HEY Pool -2011-15-1-3-2-1-1HEY POOL-2011-12-5SC-3-1-1 were resistant to shoot fly (Atheriogona naquvii Steyskal).
  • No dead hearts were formed in two genotypes, CM-13CML-43 against shoot fly (Atherigona soccatta Rondani) at Delhi using fish meal technique.
  • Heterotic grouping was done in using grain yield trait of 45 lines with testers of two maturity groups (early; V373 and V-390, medium to late; LM-13 and LM-14).