
भाकृअनुप - भारतीय मक्का अनुसंधान संस्थान

ICAR - Indian Institute of Maize Research

(ISO 9001:2015 certified)

Nurturing Diversity, Resilience, Livelihood & Industrial Inputs

मक्का में सूखे और उच्च तापमान तनाव के लिए सहिष्णुता के स्रोत की पहचान, लक्षण वर्णन और उपयोग

Title of project: Identification, characterization and utilization of source of tolerance to drought and high temperature stress in maize
Project funding: Institute
Total approved cost of the project:


  • Identification of sources of tolerance to drought and high temperature stress
  • Characterization of morpho-physiological traits associated with drought and high temperature stress tolerance
  • Utilization of promising lines in hybrid breeding program

Project team: Ishwar Singh, Sain Dass, ML jat and RP Singh

Major achievements:
Based on the field and control environment studies source of tolerance to following abiotic stresses identified.

  • Drought: LM 14, LM 16, HKI 335, HKI 577, HKI 1532, CM 139, CML 69 and BLSB_RIL-8
  • High Temperature: HKI 170 (1+2), HKI 325-17AN, HKI 335, LM 12, LM 17 and CA 14514.

Morpho-physiological traits associated with drought and high temperature stress tolerance in maize identified.

  • Drought: Leaf senescence, stay green character, root length, ASI and grain yield
  • Heat-stress: Leaf firing, tassel blasting, ASI, Pollen viability and grain yield

Ten experimental hybrids were developed using identified source of tolerance to drought and high temperature