
भाकृअनुप - भारतीय मक्का अनुसंधान संस्थान

ICAR - Indian Institute of Maize Research

(ISO 9001:2015 certified)

Nurturing Diversity, Resilience, Livelihood & Industrial Inputs

मक्का में स्टार्च विविधता और पाचनशक्ति का विश्लेषण

Title of project: Analysis of starch diversity and digestibility in maize

  • To evaluate the maize cultivars for starch profile, viz; total starch, amylose and amylopectin
  • To study digestibility profile of high amylose cultivars
  • To study molecular diversity among the identified contrasting starch containing inbreds
  • To identify polymorphism for ae1 and waxy allele among contrasting lines

Project Duration: April 2017 to March 2022.
Project team:

S. No. Name, designation and institute Status in the project (PI/CC-PI/ Co-PI) Time to be spent (%) Work components to be assigned to individual scientist
1. Dharam Paul PI 45 % Execution of the experiments, biochemical analysis of starch composition and starch digestibility characteristics
2. Alla Singh Co-PI 20 % To study molecular diversity among the identified contrasting starch containing inbreds
3. Abhijit Kumar Das Co-PI 20 % To identify polymorphism for ae1 and waxy allele among contrasting lines

Major achievements: –

  • Two genotypes viz., DQL 2255 and DQL 2261 having relatively high amylose content have been identified from a stock of 187 hybrids and 200 inbred lines.
  • A total of 15 Amylose extender (a.e.) lines viz., EC972391, EC972403, EC972408, EC972393, EC972405, EC972409, EC972394, EC972406, EC972413, EC972398, EC972407, EC972400, EC972401, EC972411 have been procured from USDA will be utilized further starch profiling and hybrid development.