
भाकृअनुप - भारतीय मक्का अनुसंधान संस्थान

ICAR - Indian Institute of Maize Research

(ISO 9001:2015 certified)

Nurturing Diversity, Resilience, Livelihood & Industrial Inputs

Udaipur (Rajasthan)

Format E (Information from centre)

Name of centre :
AICRP on Maize Udaipur. Udaipur which is situated at 24° 35’ N latitude, 72° 42’ E longitude and at an altitude of 579.5 meter above mean sea level.

Address ; AICRP on Maize, Department of Agronomy, Rajasthan College of Agriculture Udaipur 313001 (Raj)

Staff details

  • PI and Maize Agronomist:
  • Dr. Dilip Singh Maize Pathologist: Dr. S. S. Sharma
  • Maize Breeder: Dr. R. B. Dubey
  • Maize Entomologist: Dr. M. K. mahala
  • Maize Nematologist: Dr. B. L. Baheti
  • STA: Dr. B. S. Rathore, Dr. N. K. Pandiya, Dr. H. K. Sumeriya (Two vacant)
  • Field man: Shanti Lal Lakhara (Two vacant)
  • LDC/Typist: Sh Parbat Singh (one vacant)


  • Development and identification of high yielding hybrids/composites for different farming situations with special emphasis on the development of early maturing white-seeded maize hybrids.
  • Production of breeder’s and foundation seed of suitable maize varieties
  • Development and refinement of production and protection technology of maize for different farming situation.
  • Transfer of maize technology on farmer’s field through front line demonstration.

Farm area :
24 ha out of which 3.5 ha is being used for AICRP on Maize

Disease management

  • Seed treatment with Carbendazim 2g/kg seed + Trichoderma viride @ 10 g/kg seed was found best for control of Post flowering stalk rots caused by Fusarium verticillioides.
  • Foliar sprays of Saaf (Bavistin + Mancozeb) @ 0.2 % at 50 and 75 DAS for the management of Curvularia leaf spot caused by Curvularia lunata.
  • Seed dressing with Rancona Dimension @ 3ml/kg of seed followed by spray of Metalaxyl @ 0.2% at 40 and 60 DAS proved best for management of Rajasthan Downy Mildew of maize caused by Peronosclerospora heteropogoni.
  • Loss assessment of diseases under artificially inoculated conditions using paired plot technique was carried out and in it was 24.25 per cent through PFSR, 12.0 per cent through CLS and in 36.0 per cent through RDM.

Pest management : Entomology

  • Application of Flubendiamide 480 SC @ 0.2 ml/litre at 4 days after artificial infestation was found most effective for control of maize stem borer Chilo partellus with least LIR (2.26).
  • The parasitisation of chilo partellus eggs by egg parasitoid Trichogramma chilonis was maximum at 7 days after the exposure of parasitoid whereas, larval parasitisation by Cotesia spp. was also found effective.
  • Installation of pheromone traps at silking to grain formation stage can be effectively used for the management of cob borer Helicoverpa armigera (Hub.) infestation in maize.


  • Intercropping of maize with sesame (2:2 rows at 30 cm apart) was found effective for management of maize cyst nematode, Heterodera zeae.
  • Application of methomyl 40 SP at 1% w/w as seed treatment was found effective for the management of Heterodera zeae on maize.
  • Seed treatment with acephate 75 SP at 26.67 g/kg seed was found best for management of maize cyst nematode Heterodera zeae.
  • Use of Trichoderma viride 10 g/kg seed along-with soil application of castor cake at 2 q/ha at the time of sowing proved best for the management of cyst nematode Heterodera zeae.
  • Soil application of lantana leaf powder 2q/ha proved best management practice for control of cyst nematode Heterodera zeae.
  • Seed treatment with Bio-agent, Paecilomyces lilacinus at 2 % w/w and soil application of lantana leaves powder 1q/ha was also proved best for management of maize cyst nematode.
  • The study on interaction of PFSR with nematode and insects conducted and it was observes that nematode and termite play a positive in enhancing PFSR in the region. However, for PFSR mainly soil born inoculation is responsible.

Agronomic recommendations

  • SSNM practice of nutrient management proved best for sustaining productivity and soil health.
  • Paired row planting of maize + soybean (50:84) along with residue incorporation (6 t ha-1) proved economically beneficial.
  • Sweet corn variety “Sugar-75” proved best for maize growing area of Rajasthan.
  • Application of 90 kg N + 40 kg P2O5 ha-1 suitable dose of fertilizer for sweet corn.
  • Pop corn variety “V.L. Amber pop corn” proved best for maize growing area of Rajasthan.
  • Application of 130 kg N + 40 kg P2O5 ha-1 suitable dose of fertilizer for pop corn.
  • Plant density of 2.22 lakh plants ha-1(30 x 15 cm) proved optimum plant density for fodder maize “Pratap Makka Chari-6”.
  • Application 130 kg N + 50 kg P2O5 ha-1 recommended for fodder maize “Pratap Makka Chari-6”.
  • Application of 175 kg N + 40 kg P2O5 ha-1 + 25 kg sulphur ha-1 recommended for quality protein maize.
  • Application of 60 kg P2O5 and 40 kg K2O ha-1 was recommended for maize.
  • Zero tillage along with residue incorporation (33%) of both crop in maize-wheat cropping sequence sustain soil health and productivity of crop.