
भाकृअनुप - भारतीय मक्का अनुसंधान संस्थान

ICAR - Indian Institute of Maize Research

(ISO 9001:2015 certified)

Nurturing Diversity, Resilience, Livelihood & Industrial Inputs

गतिशील वाष्पशील संग्रह प्रणाली

Name of technology: Dynamic volatile collection system
Patent No./Patent application No.: 1235/DEL/2015
Technology related to: Chemical ecology, volatile sampling, crop protection
Brief Description of Technology including Salient Features: A device for sampling volatiles under continuous air-flow from multiple specimens (2 to >10) simultaneously using a single flow meter and pump each at inlet and outlet.

The system comprises an aeration chamber with provision to attach manually packed/pre-packed air-purifying adsorbents.  The chamber has many outlet ports to supply purified air to specimen chambers. A specimen chamber is provided with a stopper fitted with two tubes, one to supply purified air and the other, an outlet tube with an attachment to fit manually packed/pre-packed volatile trap. The out let tube is connected to a vacuum chamber having many inlet ports which receive air post volatile trap. The system is operated in pull mode with suction at outlet, where the air flow of the system is monitored by a flow meter and in push-pull mode with air flow at inlet and suction at outlet, monitored by flow meters one at each end. The specifications are flexible keeping in view of the type, size and number of specimens to be used by the end user. The prototype in picture was designed for sampling from ten specimens at a time; which could be modified according to the requirement.

Utility: To sample organic volatiles from live specimen without suffocation and volatile saturation. eg. Sampling pheromones from live insects, plants, flowers, microbial colonies, soil etc. 

Target users/stakeholders: Scientific community and perfumery
Principal Inventor & Contact details, mail id: Dr. Suby SB, Scientist, ICAR-IIMR, Ludhiana; sb.suby@icar.gov.in
Co-Inventors: Drs. Pradyumn Kumar, JC Sekhar, Lakshmi Soujanya P, ICAR-IIMR, Ludhiana
Title of the project under which it is developed & Year of development:  DMR 10:9 Study on biochemical basis of resistance against major pests of maize, 2015.
Commercialized: No

गतिशील वाष्पशील संग्रह प्रणाली (Patent Appl. No. 1235/DEL/2015)