
भाकृअनुप - भारतीय मक्का अनुसंधान संस्थान

ICAR - Indian Institute of Maize Research

(ISO 9001:2015 certified)

Nurturing Diversity, Resilience, Livelihood & Industrial Inputs

खाद्य प्रयोजन के लिए सफेद मक्का का आनुवंशिक वर्धन

Title of project: Genetic Enhancement of White Maize for Food Purpose


  • To collect, evaluate and identify white maize germplasm with desirable agronomic traits
  • To derive new inbred lines
  • To group promising inbred lines into different heterotic groups
  • To develop crosses between inbreds belonging different heterotic groups
  • To assess the chapati making quality of white maize hybrids

Project team:

i.   Abhijit Kr Das, IIMR, Ludhiana PI
ii. S B Singh, Begusarai, Bihar Co-PI
iii. Mukesh Vayas, Udaipur, Rajasthan Co-PI
iv. Dr. Suby SB, Entomologist, ICAR-IIMR Co-PI
v. Dr. Zahoor Ahmed, Srinagar (J&K) Co-PI
vi. Dr. S.S. Sharma, Pathologist, MPUAT Udaipur Co-PI
vii. S K Guleria, Bajaura, HP Co-PI
viii. Savita Sharma, PAU, Ludhiana Co-PI
ix. Baljit Singh,PAU, Ludhiana Co-PI

Major achievements:

  • Strengthened the white germplasm base of the institute by importing whiye CML lines and population from CIMMYT, Mexico
  • Two sets of diallel crosses (Set-1: 171 and Set-2: 210) generated from 19 (early to medium) and 21 (Late maturity) inbred lines along with checks were evaluated in four different locations during kharif 2018. In Set-2 four hybrids (S2H162, S2H17, S2H168 and S2H133) and in Set-1 six hybrids (S1H14, S1H50, S1H162, S1H171, S1H122 andS1H125) were identified with > 5% and >10 % superiority over the best check.
  • GM-137C1 and CML-340 in set1and GM-243C5 and GM-61C2 in Set-2 were identified as best combiner with high GCA.