
भाकृअनुप - भारतीय मक्का अनुसंधान संस्थान

ICAR - Indian Institute of Maize Research

(ISO 9001:2015 certified)

Nurturing Diversity, Resilience, Livelihood & Industrial Inputs

मेडीस पत्ती ब्लाइट और बैंडेड पत्ती एवं शीथ ब्लाइट के लिए आईडीएम रणनीति का विकास

Project Title: Development of IDM strategy for Maydis leaf blight and Banded leaf and sheath blight of maize

  1. To devise cost-effective IDM strategy for MLB and BLSB using suitable integration of effective components and their validation
  2. To develop weather based forewarning models for MLB and BLSB

Project team:
Dr. Sumit Kumar Aggarwal (PI), Scientist (Plant Pathology) ICAR-IIMR, Ludhiana
Dr. Robin Gogoi (CCPI), Principal Scientist (Plant Pathology) ICAR-IARI, New Delhi
Dr. R.P. Singh (CCPI), Senior Maize Pathologist (Plant Pathology) GBPUAT, Pantnagar
Dr. Harleen Kaur (CCPI), Senior Pathologist (Maize Pathology) PAU, Ludhiana
Dr. Prashant Chauhan (CCPI), Scientist (Plant Pathology) Karnal, CCS HAU, Hissar
Dr. Amrender Kumar (CCPI), Principal Scientist (Agril. Statistics), AKMU, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi

Major Achievements:

  • It was found that leaf stripping of lower leaves controlled severity of BLSB (Banded leaf and sheath blight) up to 12.9-55.0% with 8.1-45.3% increase of yield compared to inoculated unstripped checks
  • Ten bio-extracts/natural products were evaluated for management of MLB (Maydis leaf blight) (CM 600) during kharif 2016 to 2018. The Azadiracta indica (neem extracts) @ 10%, Allium sativum (garlic cloves) @10%, Polyalthia longifolia (False Ashoka) @10% and Parthenium hysterophorus (congress grass) @10% recorded 20.75%, 20.75%, 15.09% and 15.09% of MLB respectively with yield advantage of 52.74%, 42.64%, 38.44% and 35.48% respectively.
  • Forewarning models for BLSB (Banded leaf and sheath blight) were developed and validated for two subsequent years (2017-18 and 2018-19). Predictions and forecasts are in close agreement indicating the stability of the model.
  • Developed the forewarning models for Banded leaf and sheath blight

Please see the link below for web-based forewarning system for Maize diseases