
भाकृअनुप - भारतीय मक्का अनुसंधान संस्थान

ICAR - Indian Institute of Maize Research

(ISO 9001:2015 certified)

Nurturing Diversity, Resilience, Livelihood & Industrial Inputs

Bhubaneswar (Odisha)

Format E (Information from centre)
Name of centre (Latitude/Longitude): AICRP on Maize, OUAT, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
Latitude: 20015’ N
Longitude: 85052’ E
Address: Directorate of Research, Orissa University of Agriculture & Technology, Bhubaneswar – 751003

Staff details:

Sl. No. Post      No. of post Name of the incumbent
Sanctioned In position Vacant
1. Maize Breeder 1 1 0 Sri Digbijaya Swain
2. Asstt. Agronomist 1 1 0 Dr. Pramila Naik
3. Sr. Technical Assistant 1 1 0 Sri Pradipta Singh
4. Field man 2 0 2 Vacant (2)
5. Tractor Driver 1 0 1 Vacant
6. Lab. Attendant 1 0 1 Vacant
  Total 7 3 4

Mandate (As per QRT recommendations):

I. Overall QRT recommendation:

  • Technology for organic farming involving the use of microorganisms and other alternative means to be standardized through on farm trials to develop organic farming modules.
  • Location-specific need-based agro-technologies to be developed for normal and speciality maize-based inter and sequential cropping systems wherever post of the agronomist exists.

II. Centre-specific QRT recommendation:

  • Evaluation and identification of late and medium maturity stress resilient normal and speciality maize hybrids for Odisha.
  • Development of package practices for kharif season maize and sweet corn.

Farm area: 10.0 acres (5.0 acres developed & under cultivation)

Significant achievements (in bullets with photos):

Variety developed:-
A medium duration maize hybrid named “Kalinga Raj” (OMH 14-27) suitable for Kharif has been released in the State of Odisha by SVRC during September, 2019 and the proposal for notification has been already submitted. Kalinga Raj showed an average yield of 79.5q/ ha in State MLTs conducted over three years in five locations with yield advantage of 11.2 to 28.5 % over checks and average maturity duration of 92 days. The said hybrid is resistant to common rust, Rajasthan downy mildew, moderately resistant to resistant to MLB & TLB, moderately resistant to charcoal rot, Fusarium stalk & cyst nematode and moderately resistant to Bacterial stalk rot & BLSB, moderately resistant reaction against Chilo partellus and tolerant to drought. The said hybrid will be commercialized after notification.

Maize Hybrid Kalinga Raj (OMH 14-27)
Cobs of Maize HYBRID OMH 14-27

Identification of promising hybrids for the State:-
The released maize hybrids identified and recommended for cultivation in the state for different seasons are as follows:-
• Normal maize

Kharif HM 9, Vivek maize hybrid-27, HM 4, Vivek maize hybrid-17, P 3441, P 3501, P 3544, PMH 6, Bio 9544, CMH 08-287, CMH 08-292, DMH 121, LG 32.81 (Yuvaraj Gold),  HM 12, Seed Tech 2324, KDMH-017, KMH 3712, NK 30, NMH 920, NMH 803
Rabi HM 11, HM 4, Pinacle, DKC 9081, Bio 9544, NMH 713, Bisco x 1, Super Kohinoor, P 3522, HM 10, PAC 738, PAC 705
  • QPM
    HQPM 4, HQPM 5, HQPM 1, Shaktiman 4, Shaktiman 5
  • Sweet Corn
    Mdhuri Sweet Corn, Priya Sweet Corn, Misthi
  • Baby Corn
    V. L. Baby Corn-1, HM 4
  • Pop Corn
    Jawahar Pop Corn, V. L. Amber Pop Corn

Technology generated and recommended to the State:-
Weed management in kharif maize based cropping system
Application of Atrazine @ 1.5 kg a.i./ ha as pre-emergence followed by Tembotrione (Laudis 34.5 EC) @ 120 g/ ha as post-emergence at 25 DAS was most effective for weed management in kharif maize. It resulted about 54.5% yield advantage as compared to control (weedy check) and 39.8% yield advantage over existing recommended practice of only application of Atrazine @ 1.5 Kg a.i./ ha.

(Recommended in State Level Research & Extension Council Meeting, OUAT, 2018)

Nutrient Management and Planting Density in Kharif maize
Maize hybrids during Kharif responded to high density planting (50 x 20) cm2 with 7.7% higher yield over normal density (60 x 20) cm2. Among various nutrient management practices (RDF, STCR & SSNM), STCR based nutrient management resulted in significantly higher yield followed by SSNM and RDF. STCR was found significantly superior with 19.2 %, 4.8% higher yield, respectively.

(Recommended in State Level Research & Extension Council Meeting, OUAT, 2017)

Application of 120-60-60 N:P2O5:K2O kg/ ha in 5 splits such as 10% N, all P2O5 and all K2O as basal, 20% N at 10 days after germination, 30% N at 25 days after germination, 30% N at 40-45 days after germination and 10% N at grain filling stage produced 5-15% higher yield against 3 split application such as 25% N as basal, 50% N at 25 days after sowing and 25% N at tassel emergence.

  • Application of 120-60-60 N:P2O5:K2O kg/ ha in sweet corn produced significantly highest yield of 14.04 tonnes/ ha and fodder yield of 37.49 tonnes/ ha and cost benefit ratio of 1:3.8.
  • Study of plant geometry in sweet corn revealed that 60 cm x 20 cm produced significantly highest sweet corn yield (11.29 tonnes/ ha).
  • Application of 120-60-60 N:P2O5:K2O kg/ ha in baby corn produced highest baby corn yield of 1563 Kg/ ha.

Extension activities
Extension activities such as demonstrations, training, field days/ kissan mela and farm implement distribution are being carried out under FLD & TSP.

FLD (2011-2020)

Demonstration conducted in acre (no. of farmers benefitted) No. of field days conducted
1062.2 (1063) 1

TSP (2011-2020)

Demonstration conducted in acre (no. of farmers benefitted) No. of trainings conducted (no. of farmers benefitted) No. of field days/ kissan Melas conducted No. of farmers benefitted from farm implement distribution
345 (345) 14 (505) 12 310

Information on state recommendations:
Disease and pest management
Seed treatment
Seed treatment with suitable fungicide and insecticides is essential to prevent the crop from the attack of soil borne diseases and insect-pests. The seed treatment recommendations are as follows:-

Fungicide/ pesticide Dose (g/ Kg of seed) Protection from diseases/  insect-pests
Bavistin + captan in 1:1 ratio 2.0 Turcicum Leaf Blight,, Banded Leaf and Sheath Blight, Maydis Leaf Blight, Pythium stalk rot
Imidachioprid 4.0 Termite and shoot fly

Diseases like TLB, BLSB & rust and insect-pests like stem borer, aphids & termites are usually attack the maize crop in the State.
Disease management – State-wise we may give predominant diseases and their control measures

Sl. No. Disease Control measure
1. Turcicum leaf blight Foliar spray of Mancozeb @ 2.0 – 2.5 g/ litre of water  for 2-4 times at an interval of 10 days as per need.
2. Rust Foliar spray of Mancozeb @ 2.5 – 3.0 g/ litre of water  for 2-3 times at an interval of 10-15 days as per need.
3. BLSB Spray of Validamycin @ 2.5-3.0 ml/ litre of water at an interval of 10 days as per need.

Pest management – State-wise we may give predominant pests and their control measures

Sl. No. Pest Control measure
1. Stem borer Spraying of triazophos or profenophos @ 1000 ml/ha. Carbofuran 3G may be applied to the leaf whorl of affected plants. Release of eggs of Trichogramma Chilonis @50,000/ha at 10 days interval 1-2 times as per need. Application of neem-based pesticide @ 1.5 l/ ha.Spraying of cartap hydrochloride @ 750g/ ha in 500 lit of water.
2. Aphids Spraying of methyl demeton 25 EC or dimethoate 30 EC @ 1000 ml/ha or spraying of Imidachioprid @ 100 ml/ ha or spray of thiamethoxam @ 100 g/ ha in 500 lit of water.
3. Termite Application of chloropyriphos 1.0% dust @ 25 Kg/ ha at the time of land preparation. If termite problem is found in standing crop, application of Fepronil granules @ 20kg/ha followed by light irrigation controls termites to a reasonable extent. If the infestation occurs in patches, applying few granules of Fepronil on and around the patches control termite infestation. 

Agronomic recommendations

Sowing time

  • Kharif: June to first fortnight of July. However, if irrigation facility is available early sowing i.e., 10-15 days before onset of monsoon increases the productivity.
  • Rabi: Second fortnight of October to first fortnight of November.
  • Spring: The second fortnight of January to first week of February.


Sl. No. Purpose Spacing  (cm2)
1. Normal  maize & QPM 60 x 20 (Irrigated) 75 x 20 (Rainfed)
2. Sweet corn 60 x 20 (Irrigated) 75 x 20 (Rainfed)
3. Baby corn 60 x 15-20
4. Pop corn 60 x 20
5. Fodder 30 x 10

Weeding & Interculture

  • The first interculture and weeding operation should be done within 2-3 weeks after germination and a second hoeing may be done at 6 to 7 weeks stage.
  • Pre-emergence application of atrazine @ 1.0 kg/ha or pendimethalin @ 1.0-1.5 kg a.i./ ha on the day following sowing in moist soil effectively controls weeds up to one month. At later stages the crop canopy can suppress the growth of newly emerging weeds.
  • If weed is a problem in later stage, post-emergence application of Tembotrione (Trade name: Laudis @120 g a.i./ ha) along with atrazine (@1.0 kg a.i./ha is very much effective for weed control.


  • FYM: 5-10 t/ha at the time of final land preparation.
  • Depending upon maturity group and soil the recommended fertiliser dose is 120-150 kg N, 60-75 kg P2O5 and 60-75 kg K2O per ha.
  • Site specific nutrient management (SSNM)/ soil test based fertiliser recommendation (STBFR) approach is
  • In Zn or Bo deficiency in soil, application of 25 Kg of ZnSO4 or 10 Kg Bo per ha as basal is necessary.
  • Full doses of P and K should be applied as basal. 20% Nitrogen should be applied as basal and rest should be applied in 3-4 splits as detailed below for increasing nitrogen use efficiency and obtaining higher yield.
Sl. No. Crop Stage Nitrogen application rate (%)
1. Basal (at sowing) 20
2. Four leaf stage 25
3. Eight leaf stage 30
4. Tasseling stage 20
5. Grain filling stage 5
  • Top dressing of fertilizers at eight leaf stage and tasseling stage should coincide with hoeing/interculture and earthing-up operations to incorporate fertilizer into the soil. At four leaf stage and grain filling stage it may be applied as side dressing.

Water management

  • Maize is highly sensitive to water logging and moisture stress. Water should not be allowed to stand in the field at any stage of the crop.
  • Earthing up not only prevents lodging of the crop but also facilitates proper drainage.
  • If rainfall is erratic or not adequate in Kharif, need based irrigation may be given depending upon soil moisture at critical stages such as knee height stage (6-8 leaf stage), flowering and grain filling stage.
  • Assured irrigation of Rabi Maize crop at critical growth stage is most critical to achieve better crop growth and higher productivity. Six to eight irrigations are needed during the Rabi season depending upon the soil condition.


Maize crop cultivated for grain purpose should be harvest after 1-2 weeks of physiological maturity