
भाकृअनुप - भारतीय मक्का अनुसंधान संस्थान

ICAR - Indian Institute of Maize Research

(ISO 9001:2015 certified)

Nurturing Diversity, Resilience, Livelihood & Industrial Inputs

Chhindwara (Madhya Pradesh)

Name of centre  
Zonal Agricultural Research Station, Chhindwara, M.P.

Latitude: 21°28′ N; Longitude: 78°10′ E; Altitude: 675 MSL

Zonal Agricultural Research Station, Chandangaon, Nagpur
road Chhindwara, Madhya Pradesh, 480001

Staff details  :

Sl. No.Name of the Post/ CadreNo. of posts sanctionedName of the staffContact Details
Scientific staff
1.Maize Breeder (Rs.37400-67000 + AGP 10000)1Vacant 
2.Assistant Agronomist (Rs.15600-39100 + AGP 6000)1Dr. Gaurav MahajanMobile No.: 9682392121 aicrpagrorewa@gmail.com
Support staff   
4.Senior Technical Assistant (Agro)*              ( Rs.5200-20200 + GP 2800)1Sh Kaluram MaidaMobile No.: 6266386224 adrcwa@gmail.com
 F.E.O.( Rs.5200-20200 + GP 2800)2Sh M.L.Pawar Miss Rashmi BhumarkarMobile No.: 8770801215 adrcwa@gmail.com Mobile No.: 8770902209 rashmibhumarkar@gmail.com
 Jeep / Tractor Driver  (Rs.5200-20200 + GP 2800)1Vacant 

*FEO against the post of Senior Technical Assistant (Agro)

Mandate       :

  • Development of single cross hybrids of early and medium duration under rainfed conditions
  • To develop package and practices for effective weed management, tillage practices and multiple cropping for doubling farmers income

Farm area     :           Cultivable land   : 21.6  ha.
Roads and Buildings             : 06.43ha
Total                                      : 28.03 ha

Significant achievements (in bullets with photos):
Note:   AICRP on maize at ZARS, Chhindwara started functioning from1961-62. The following Significant achievements have been attained:

  1. For the first time in state history released and notified, Maize  Hybrid   Viz., Pusa Jawahar Hybrid Maize 1 (PJHM 1) (PML 93 X PML105) for Madhya Pradesh in the year 2018. Female parent PML-93 was derived though pedigree method. Source population is KDMH-176. Pedigree: KDMH-176-5-1-1. Male parent PML-105 was derived through pedigree method. Open pollinated UMI 1210 was used as source population. Pedigree: OPV UMI 1210-21-7-5. Recommended for Madhya Pradesh. Medium duration for maturity, Seed yellow /orange, Semi dent bold seed. Crop duration Medium 95 day. Average yield 6474 Kg/ha
  2. Jawahar Makka-215 released by SVRC during 2019. It is an early maturing variety with  yellow/ orange seed, flinty and round shape; suitable for light to very light type of soil; average yield 4126 kg/ha
  3. Jawahar maize-218 released by SVRC during 2019. S.O.1498(E)/01.04.2019. Recommended for Madhya Pradesh, medium duration for maturity, seed yellow /orange, flinty and round shape; multi cob nature suitable for baby corn. Average yield 5052  kg/ha.
  4. Under the Protection of Plant Variety and Farmers Right Act, 2001 (PPVFR Act) four varieties of maize viz: Jawahar Makka 8, Jawahar Makka 12, Jawahar Makka 216 & Jawahar Makka pop 11 are registered through this center. The center has obtained IC (National Identity ID Number) from NBPGR, New Delhi and DNA finger printing for varieties released viz:
    1. Maize PJHM-1 (IC 627096)
    1. Female parent PML 93 (IC 62097)
    1. Male parent PML 105 (IC 627098)
    1. Jawahar Makka 218 (IC 607090)
    1. Jawahar Makka 215 (IC 632113)
  5. Submitted new three promising lines of maize for testing of their quality under National Maize Programmes with special reference to Medicinal maize viz:
    1. H 1014; Voilet colour; medium maturity; Jhabua
    2. H 1018; Voilet colour; medium maturity; Patalkot
    3. H 1019; Voilet colour; medium maturity; Ambikapur

4. Efficiently conducted all the experimental trials during kharif and rabi (Plant breeding, Agronomy and station trials) with good remarks by the monitoring team