
भाकृअनुप - भारतीय मक्का अनुसंधान संस्थान

ICAR - Indian Institute of Maize Research

(ISO 9001:2015 certified)

Nurturing Diversity, Resilience, Livelihood & Industrial Inputs

डॉ. भूपेंद्र कुमार

Designation: वैज्ञानिक-Sr. Scale (पादप प्रजनन)

Qualification: Ph.D. in Genetics from ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute New Delhi

Address: ICAR-Indian Institute of Maize Research Delhi Office, Pusa Campus, IARI, New Delhi-110012 (INDIA)

Email: bhupender.kumar@icar.gov.in, bhupender.iimr@gmail.com

Work experience

  • Scientist, ICAR-Indian Institute of Maize Research, Delhi Office, Pusa Campus (India) from Jan. 6, 2011 – to date
  • Scientist Probationer, National Academy of Agricultural Research Management, Hyderabad (India) from Sept 1, 2010 to Dec 31, 2010

Area of interest
Development of maize hybrids and genomic studies on biotic and abiotic stresses tolerance in maize

Most significant achievements (in last five years)

  • Developed six single cross hybrids in maize (DMRH1301, DMRH1308, DMRH1305, DMRHP1402, IMHB1539 & IMHB1532) which were released and notified through CVRC for cultivation in different parts of the country.
  • Developed and registered two unique inbred lines (DML339 & DQL1019) tolerant to charcoal rot disease in normal and QPM genetic background
  • Established the genetics and developed the RILs mapping populations for MLB resistance in tropical maize germplasm and identified sources of resistance/tolerant for MLB, TLB and charcoal rot diseases
  • Developed and identified suitable maize hybrids for water logging stresses tolerance and identified key miRNA play role in drought and water logging stresses tolerance
  • Diversified the QPM maize germplasm
  • Mapped the genomic regions for yellow mosaic virus resistance (a major soybean disease), and yield and its attributing traits in soybean

 Publications in last five years (Total 26)

Research papers (21)

  1. Kumar B*, Yadav OP, Guleria SK, Khanorkar SM, Dubey RB, Patel J, Kumar V, Parihar CM, Jat SL, Singh V, Yatish KR, Das A, Shekhar JC, Bhati P, Kaur H, Kumar M, Singh AK and Varghese E. 2016. Selection indices to identify maize (Zea mays) hybrids adapted under drought stress and normal ecologies in tropical climate. Crop and Pasture Science, 67: 1087–1095. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/CP16141
  2. Kumar B*, Hooda KS, Gogoi R, Kumar V, Kumar S, Abhishek A, Bhati P, Sekhar JC, Yathish KR, Singh V, Das A, Mukri G, Varghese E, Kaur H, Malik V and Yadav OP. 2016. Inheritance Study and Stable Sources of Maydis Leaf Blight (Cochliobolus heterostrophus) Resistance in Tropical Maize Germplasm. Cereal Research Communication, (44)3: DOI: 10.1556/0806.44.2016.004.
  3. Kumar B*, Hooda KS, Singh V, Sekhar JC, Kumar V, Parihar CM, Jat SL, Singh AK, Kaul J, Kaur H, Kaur H and Yadav OP. 2017. Multi-environment field testing to identify stable sources of resistance to charcoal rot (Macrophomina Phaseolina) disease in topical maize germplasm. Maydica, 62 (1):7
  4. Choudhary M, Kumar B*, Kumar P, Guleria SK, Singh NK, Khulbe , Kamboj MC, Vyas M, Srivastava RK, Puttaramanaik, Swain D, Mahajan V and Rakshit S. 2019. GGE Biplot analysis of genotype × environment interaction and identification of mega-environment for baby corn hybrids evaluation in India. Indian J. Genet. 79(4):658-669
  5. Kumar B*, Kumar K, Jat SL, Srivastava S, Tiwari T, Kumar S, Meenakshi, Pradhan HR, Kumar B, Chaturvedi G, Jha AK and Rakshit S. 2020. Rapid method of screening for drought stress tolerance in maize (Zea mays). Indian J. Genet. 80(1): (in press).
  6. Kumar B*, Singh SB, Singh V, Hooda KS, Bagaria PK, Kumar K, Pradhan HR, Kumar S, Meenakshi, Bhati P, Kumar B, Chaturvedi G and Rakshit S. 2020. RILS development and its characterization for MLB resistance and flowering in maize (Zea mays L.). Indian J. Agril Sci. 90(1): 183-188.
  7. Sekhar JC, Karjagi CG, Kumar B, Rakshit S, Lakshmi S, Kumar P, Singh KP, Dhandapani A, Dass S and Kumar RS. 2015. Genetics of resistance to Sesamia inferens infestation and its correlation with yield in maize. Plant Breeding, 134(4): 394–399. DOI: 10.1111/pbr.12281
  8. Parihar CM*, Jat SL, Singh AK, Kumar B, Singh Y, Pradhan S, Pooniya V, Dhauja A, Chaudhary V, Jat ML, Jat RK and Yadav OP. 2016. Conservation agriculture in irrigated intensive maize-based systems of north-western India: Effects on crop yields, water productivity and economic profitability. Field Crops Research, 193: 104-116.
  9. Parihar CM*, Yadav MR, Jat SL, Singh AK, Kumar B, Pradhan S, Chakraborty D, Jat ML, Jat RK, Saharawat YS, Yadav OP. Long term effect of conservation agriculture in maize rotations on total organic carbon, physical and biological properties of a sandy loam soil in north-western Indo-Gangetic Plains. Soil and Tillage Research, 161: 116-128.
  10. Parihar CM*, Jat SL, Singh AK, Ghosh A, Rathore NS, Kumar B, Pradhan S, Majumdar K, Satyanarayana T, Jat ML, Saharawat YS, Kuri BR and Saveipune D. 2017. Effects of precision conservation agriculture in a maize-wheat-mungbean rotation on crop yield, water-use and radiation conversion under a semiarid agro-ecosystem. Agricultural Water Management, 192:306-319. DOI:10.1016/j.agwat.2017.07.021
  11. Parihar CM*, Yadav MR, Jat SL, Singh AK, Kumar B, Pooniya V, Pradhan S, Verma RK, Jat ML, Jat RK and Saharawat YS. Long Term Conservation Agriculture and Intensified Cropping Systems: Effect on Growth, Yield, Water and Energy-use Efficiency of Maize in North-Western India. Pedosphere, 10.1016/S1002-0160(17)60468-5
  12. Parihar CM*, Jat SL, Singh AK, Kumar B, Rathore NS, Jat ML, Saharawat YS and Kuri BR. 2018. Energy auditing of long-term conservation agriculture based irrigated intensive maize systems in semi-arid tropics of India. Energy, 142:289-302. DOI: 10.1016/j.energy.2017.10.015.
  13. Jat SL, Parihar CM*, Singh AK, Kumar B, Choudhary M, Nayak HS, Parihar MD, Parihar N and Meena BR. 2019. Energy auditing and carbon footprint under long-term conservation agriculture-based intensive maize systems with diverse inorganic nitrogen management options. Science of the Total Environment, 664:659-668.
  14. Changan S, Chaudhary DP*, Kumar S, Kumar B, Kaul J, Guleria S, Jat SL, Singode A, Tufchi M, Langyan S and Yadav OP. 2017. Biochemical characterization of elite maize (Zea mays) germplasm for carotenoids composition. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 87(1):46-50.
  15. Jat SL*, Parihar CM, Singh AK, Kumar B, Singh B and Saveipune D. 2017. Plant density and fertilization in hybrid quality protein maize (Zea mays L): Effects on the soil nutrient status and performance of succeeding wheat (Triticum aestivum L) and productivity of cropping system. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 87(1):23-28.
  16. Ansari MA*, Choudhary BU, Prakash N, Kumar B, Jat SL, Mishra D and Ansari MH. Genotypic variations in phenology, productivity and heat-use efficiency of rainfed maize (Zea mays l.) in acid soils of North Eastern Himalayan. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86 (6):796-802.
  17. Mukri G*, Kumar R, Rajendran A, Kumar B, Hooda KS, Karjagi CG, Singh V, Jat SL, Das AK, Sekhar JC and Singh SB. 2018. Strategic selection of white maize inbred lines for tropical adaptation and their utilization in developing stable, medium to long duration maize hybrids Maydica, 63 (M16)
  18. Singh SB*, Phagna RK, Kumar B and Kumar S.2017. Determination of selection indices for waterlogging-stress tolerance in maize (Zea mays ) under field conditions. Applied Biological Research, 19 (2): 172-179.
  19. Verma K, Talukdar A*, Shivakumar M, Kumar B, Lal SK, Srivastava N, Sapra RL, Harish GD and Girmilla V. 2015. Biochemical screening for trypsin inhibitor factors and morphomolecular characterization of soybean (Glycine max Merr.). Indian J. Genet., 75(4): 490-496.
  20. Pathak K, Rathi S*, Baruah AR, Kumar B and Sarma RN. 2015. Marker-trait associations for improving cooking quality in glutinous rice, Indian Journal of Biotechnology, 14:320-327.
  21. Dehal IB, Kalia R* and Kumar B. Genetic estimates and path coefficient analysis in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) under normal and late sown environments, Legume Research, 39 (4): 510-516.

  Review Articles (Two)

  1. Yadav OP*, Hossain F, Karjagi CG, Kumar B, Zaidi PH, Jat SL, Chawla JS, Kaul J, Hooda KS, Kumar P, Yadava P, Dhillon BS. 2015. Genetic Improvement of Maize in India: Retrospect and Prospects, Agric Res, 4(4):325–338.
  2. Hooda KS, Khokhar MK*, Shekhar M, Chikkappa GK,  Kumar B, Mallikarjuna N, Devlash RK,  Shekara C and Yadav OP. 2017. Turcicum leaf blight sustainable management of a re-emerging maize disease. J Plant Dis Prot, 124:101–113.

  Popular articles (Two)

  1. कृष्ण कुमार, पूजा शर्मा, अभिषेक झा, भूपेंद्र कुमार, प्रांजल यादव, एवं सुजय रक्षित। विश्व में ट्रांसजेनिक फसलों की स्थिति। कृषि चेतना 2020: अंक – 3 ।
  2. भूपेंद्र कुमार, कृष्ण कुमार, पूजा शर्मा, बृजेश कुमार सिंह, मीनाक्षी, सोनू कुमार, पुष्पेंदर, एवं सुजय रक्षित। पोषण संबंधी खाद्य सुरक्षा के लिए क्वालिटी प्रोटीन मक्का महत्व। कृषि चेतना 2020: अंक – 3।

Book chapters (one)

  1. Parihar CM, Kumar B, Jat SL, Singh AK, Jat ML, Chaudhary V and Dass 2016. Specialty Corn for Nutritional Security and Dietary Diversification. In: Biofortification of Food Crops. ISBN: 978-81-322-2716-8. DOI: 10.1007/978-81-322-2716-8_28. Springer India New Delhi. Page 387-398.

Significant recognition/Awards

  1. Awarded with NAAS Associateship from Jan 1st , 2020 by National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi
  2. DST, Early Career Research Award, with research grant of Rs 2833056/- in the year 2018
  3. Dr “NN Singh Young Scientist” award-2020 from maize technologist association of India (MTAI)
  4. Young Scientist Award on 13th Dec., 2015 by Society for Scientific Development in Agricultural and Technology.
  5. “Best Scientist” Recognition award of       ICAR-IIMR, Ludhiana on the Occasion of 4th    ICAR-IIMR foundation day held on 9th Feb., 2019 for outstanding contribution in maize research and institutional activities.
  6. Certificate of Appreciation on the occasion of 1st ICAR-IIMR, foundation day for significant contribution in All India Coordinated Research Programme in the year 2015 on dated 13th Nov., 2015.
  7. Certificate of Appreciation on the Occasion of 3rd ICAR-IIMR foundation day held on 9th Feb., 2018 for outstanding contribution in maize research and institutional activities.
  8. Best poster award (As Co-Author) on Stable Sources of Multiple Disease Resistance in Maize at 12th Asian Maize conference held at Bangkok, Thailand from 30 October to 01 November, 2014.
  9. DST-Foreign travel grant in the year 2014