
भाकृअनुप - भारतीय मक्का अनुसंधान संस्थान

ICAR - Indian Institute of Maize Research

(ISO 9001:2015 certified)

Nurturing Diversity, Resilience, Livelihood & Industrial Inputs

डॉ. श्याम बीर सिंह

Designation: प्रधान वैज्ञानिक (पादप प्रजनन)

Qualification: • M.Sc. (Ag.) in Agriculture Botany (Genetics & Plant Breeding) from CCS Meerut University, Meerut (formerly- Meerut University, Meerut), • Ph.D. in Genetics and Plant Breeding from Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agriculture Science and Technology of Jammu.

Address: Principal Scientist and In-charge, Reginal Maize Research and Seed Production Centre, (ICAR-IIMR) Vishnupur, Begusarai-851129. (Bihar)

Email: sb.singh@icar.gov.in

Mobile: +91 8279336806

Phone: +91 06243 225254(O)

Fax: +91 06243 225254

Work experience

  • Principal Scientist, Regional Maize Research and Seed Production Centre,(ICAR-IIMR) Vishnupur, Begusarai-851129. (Bihar) from August 30, 2012- to date
  • Associate professor cum Senior Scientist (Plant Breeding) from April.24, 2008 – August 29, 2012: Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agriculture Science and Technology of Jammu.
  • Assistant Professor-cum- Jr. Scientist. Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agriculture Science and Technology of Jammu.

Area of interest
To pursue breeding, research and coordinate genetic improvement of crop plants especially maize to increase agricultural productivity, particularly for abiotic stress tolerance.

 Most significant achievements (in last five years)

  • Developed and released following maize hybrids, viz., DMRH1305 (Early Maturing Normal field corn), IMHB 1532 (Baby corn) and IMHB1539 (Baby corn).
  • Developed and contributed nearly 30 hybrid combination in AICRP Testing.
  • Developed 41 new inbred lines and identify as resistant source against TLB.
  • Produced approximately 0 qtl maize breeder seed and quality seed of wheat ( 2361.0 qtls and Soybean ( 804.0  qtls) during last five years.
  • Developed and implemented crop diversification through maize-soybean cropping in Begusarai district.
  • Improved farm development and infrastructure At RMR&SPC, Begusarai like electricity, farm fencing to boost maize breeding research of IIMR.

 Publications in last five years

  1. Research papers
  2. Kumar B*, Singh SB, Singh V, Hooda KS, Bagaria PK, Kumar K, Pradhan HR, Kumar S, Meenakshi, Bhati P, Kumar B, Chaturvedi G and Rakshit S. RILS development and its characterization for MLB resistance and flowering in maize (Zea mays L.). Indian J. Agril Sci. 90(1): (in press).
  3. Singh, SB, Kasana RK, Kumar R, and Kumar S. Assessing Genetic Diversity Among Newly Developed Maize Inbred Lines For Winter Season. Indian J. Plant Genet, Resources. 33(1) (In Press).
  4. Singh SB, Kumar S, Kasana RK and Singh SP. 2019. Combining ability analysis and heterosis for yield and yield attributing traits in late maturing winter maize in bred lines (Zea mays) Frontiers in Crop Improvement, 7 (1): 42-51.
  5. Singh SB, Karjagi GK, Hooda KS, Mallikarjuna N, Harlapur SI, Rajashekara H, Devlash R, Kumar S, Kasana RK, Kumar S, Gangoliya SS and Rakshit S. 2018. Identification of resistant sources against turcicum leaf blight of maize (Zea mays). Maize J., 7(2): 64-71.
  6. Mukri G, Kumar R, RajendranA, Kumar B, Hooda KS, Chikkappa GK, Singh V, Jat SL, Das AK, Sekhar JC, Singh SB (2018) Strategic selection of white maize inbred lines for tropical adaptation and their utilization in developing stable, medium to long duration maize hybrids. Maydica 63(1).
  7. Singh SB, Yadav KK, Bagaria P, Kasana RK and Bhati J. 2017. Morpho-genetic variability and characterization of newly developed winter maize inbred lines. Progressive Res. -An International Journal 12(1):141-143.
  8. Singh KK, Srivastava RK, Singh AK, Saha R. and Singh SB. Performance of wheat (Triticum aestivum) crop as influenced by varying level of N P and bio-fertilizers. . Progressive Res. -An International Journal 12(1):15-21.
  9. Kumar R, Chikkappa GK, Singh SB, Mukri G, Kaul  J,  Das AK, Sravani D, Olakh DS and Bhatia D. 2017. Multivariate Analysis for Yield and Its Component Traits in Experimental Maize Hybrids. of Agri. Sci. 9(3):219-225.
  10. Singh SB, Phagna RK, Kumar B and Kumar 2017. Determination of selection indices for waterlogging stress tolerance in maize (Zea mays L.) under field conditions. Applied Biological Research 19 (2): 172-179.
  11. Singh SB, Kumar S. and Singh SP. 2016. Morphological response of maize genotypes to pre-flowering waterlogging stress. Progressive Res. -An International Journal 11(2):150-156.
  12. Kumar S, Chauhan MP, Srivastava K, Singh S B, Kumar B, Kumar N, Kumar R and Shivani. 2016. Studies on combining ability for yield and yield attributes in rice (Oryza sativa). Res. Envirin Life Sci. 9 (2):231-236.
  13. Kumar S, Chauhan MP, Srivastava K, Singh SB, Kumar B, Kumar N, Kumar R and Shivani. 2016. Heritability, variability and genetic advance analysis for yield contributing characters in rice (Oryza sativa). Res. Envirin Life Sci. 9(2):254:257.
  14. Singh SB, Singh AK and Singh SP. 2015. Genetic variability and diversity for dual purpose traits among maize landraces originated in south western part of Jammu & Kashmir. Frontiers in Crop Improvement. 3(1) 33-39.
  15. Singh SB, Singode A, Mukri G, Yatish KR and Singh SP. 2015. Morpho-Physiological response of maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids to water logging stress. Frontiers in Crop Improvement. 3(2):112-115.
  16. Singh SP, Gaurav SS, Singh O, Singh SB and Singh V. 2015. Pearl Millet Breeding: Achievements, Strategies, Challenges- An Overview. Frontiers in Crop Improvement. 3(2):101-105.

 Review Paper

  1. Singh SP, Gaurav SS, Singh SB, Singh V and Singh YK. 2015. Mutagenetic studies in Soybean (Glycine max (l.) Merrill)—A Review Frontiers in Crop Improvement. 3(1):1-8.
  2. Book chapters
  3. Singh, S. B. Kaul, J. and Yadav, O. P. 2015. Seed Production in Maize under Seed Project” Seed Production in Agricultural Crops “ In Decade of ICAR Seed Project Retrospect and Prospects pp373-381.
  4. Singh, S. B., Kasana, R. K. and Singh S.P. 2017. Breeding Stress Resilient Maize for Sustainable Grain Production In Souvenir & Conference Book of the International Conference on Global Research Initiatives for Sustainable Agriculture and Allied Sciences held at Rajasthan College of Agriculture, MPUA&T, Udaipur, Rajasthan on December 2-4, 217 pp 46-54
  5. B., Singh, R. K. Kasana, and S.P. Singh 2018. Status of corn cultivation in Bihar: opportunities and future challenges In Souvenir & Conference Book of the International Conference on Global Research Initiatives for Sustainable Agriculture and Allied Sciences (GRISAAS-2018) at Rajasthan Agriculture Research Institute (RARI) Durgapura, Jaipur (Rajasthan) on October 28-30, 2018 pp 19-26.
  6. P. Singh,. S. B. Singh, Brajendra, Y.K. Singh, R. Rana, U.K. Tripathi, and  S.S. Gaurav 2018. Global Research Initiatives for Sustanable Agriculture (GRISAAS) In Souvenir & Conference Book of the International Conference on Global Research Initiatives for Sustainable Agriculture and Allied Sciences (GRISAAS-2018) at Rajasthan Agriculture Research Institute (RARI) Durgapura, Jaipur (Rajasthan) on October 28-30, 2018 pp 1-8.
  7. Santosh Kumar and S.B. 2019. Hybrid Seed Production Technique in Maize In Mishra V.K., Kumar Monu, Kumar Munnesh, Devesh Pavan and Arsode Pandurang (2019) Manual of “Training Programme-Cum-Exposure Visit on Advancement on Seed Technology and Marketing” Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221005.
  8. Popular articles (Hindi)
  9. श्यामवीर सिंह, रविन्द्र कुमार कसना (2018) बिहार में कृषि आय वृद्धि हेतु मक्का की खेती में संभावनाएंA कृषि चेतना (मक्का विशेषांक) 1:19-22.
  10. श्यामवीर सिंह, रविन्द्र कुमार कसना (2019) fcgkj izns’k esa jch esa eDdk dh Qly ij ‘khr&izdksi ls cpkoA कृषि चेतना (मक्का विशेषांक) vad 2 (2019) :26-27

Phamphlets in hindi

  • eDdk dh Qly esasa QkWy vkehZ oeZ (Spodoptera frugiperda) dh jksdFkke o izcaa/ku j.kj.kuhfr;kWa
  • jch ekSle esa eDdk dh oSKkfud [ksrh
  • ,dy ladj eDdk ds cht mRiknu dh rduhdh
  • [kjhQ ekSle esa eDdk dh oSKkfud [ksrh
  • eDdk dh Qly esa ikS/kk laj{k.k
  • Lkkbyst&i’kqvksa dk LoLFk vkgkj
  • fcgkj izns’k ds fy, vuq’kaflr ladj eDdk dh mUur iztkfr;k¡

Significant recognition

  • Awarded with “Excellence in Research Award” for Genetics and Plant Breeding, by Society for Scientific Development in Agriculture & Technology, Meerut in the International Conference on Global Research Initiatives for Sustainable Agriculture and Allied Sciences (GRISAAS) held at Rajasthan Agriculture Research Institute (RARI), Durgapura, Jaipur (Rajasthan) on October 28-30, 2018
  • Organizing Convener of the International Conference on Global Research Initiatives for Sustainable Agriculture and Allied Sciences held at Rajasthan Agriculture Research Institute (RARI) Durgapura, Jaipur (Rajasthan) on October 28-30, 2018
  • Vice President Society for Scientific Development in Agriculture and Technology, Meerut (U.P.) INDIA for the term 2017-18 and 2019-19
  • Member of Steering Committee for organization of International Conference on Global Research Initiatives for Sustainable Agriculture and Allied Sciences held at MPUAT- Udaipur on December 02-04-2017.
  • Associate Editor, International journal of Agriculture Science.
  • Awarded with “Distinguished Scientist Award” for Genetics and Plant Breeding in the National Conference on Innovative and Current Advances in Agriculture and Allied Sciences (ICAAAS-2016) held at PJTSAU, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad w.e.f. December 10-11, 2016.
  • Awarded with “Fellow Award” for Genetics and Plant Breeding from the Society for Scientific Developments in Agriculture & Technology in the National Conference on Innovative and Current Advances in Agriculture and Allied Sciences (ICAAAS-2016) held at PJTSAU, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad w.e.f. December 10-11, 2016
  • Awarded with “Scientist of the Year Award-2016” for Genetics and Plant Breeding in the Global Agriculture & Innovation Conference (GAIC-2016) held at Noida International University, Noida w.e.f. November 27-29, 2016.
  • Received “Innovative Scientist of the Year Award-2015” for Genetics and Plant Breeding. On the occasion of International Conference on Innovative Approaches in Applied Sciences and Technologies, held at Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University Bangkok, Thailand w.e.f. 01-05, 2016
  • Received Outstanding Achievement Award-2015 by the Society for Scientific Development in Agriculture & Technology during National Conference on Global Research Initiatives for Sustainable Agriculture & Allied Sciences, (GRISAAS-2015) held at Rajmata Vijayaraje Sciendia Krishi Viswa Vidyalaya, Gwalior, Dec. 12-13, 2015.
  • Received Distinguished Scientist Award (Plant Breeding) by the Society for Scientific Development in Agriculture & Technology during National Conference on Emerging Challenges and Opportunities in Biotic and Abiotic Stress Management held at DRR, Rajendranagar Hyderabad Dec.-13-14, 2014.
  • Appointed Judge for “National Children Science Congress-2014” held at Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Begusarai on 23-25th Nov, 2014.
  • Nominated as member of State Standing Technical Committee (Bihar) of “National Mission for sustainable agriculture”.
  • Awarded with” HTHS Gold Medal 2010” for understanding and recognition in the field of Genetics & Plant Breeding in the National Symposium  on “ Emerging Trends in Agricultural Research held on  11-12 Sept,2010 at PDFSR, Modipuram (Meerut).
  • Awarded with “Scientist of the year award 2009” in the National Symposium on “Achieving Millennium Development Goals: Problems and Prospects”, held at Bundelkhand University, Jhansi on October 25-26, 2009 Organized by the Society for Scientific Developments in Agriculture and Technology, Jhansi.
  • Awarded with “Young scientist associate award 2009” in the 1st Indian Scientist and Farmers Congress on “Technological Innovations for Enhancing Agricultural Production” held at CCS University, Meerut on October 3-4, 2009, Organized by the Society for Recent Developments in Agriculture.
  • Merit certificate for 1st rank in Ph.D. (Plant Breeding and Genetics), SKUAST-Jammu.
  • BSD Gold Medal for 1st rank in M. Sc.(Ag.) in Meerut University, Meerut.
  • Vishist Yogyata Parman Patra in M. Sc. (Ag)
  • Merit scholarship in B. Sc. (Ag).