
भाकृअनुप - भारतीय मक्का अनुसंधान संस्थान

ICAR - Indian Institute of Maize Research

(ISO 9001:2015 certified)

Nurturing Diversity, Resilience, Livelihood & Industrial Inputs

डॉ. सुमित कुमार अग्रवाल

Designation: वैज्ञानिक (पादप रोगविज्ञान)

Qualification: • B.Sc. (Agriculture) from University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru (Karnataka) • M.Sc. (Ag.) Plant Pathology from Maharana Pratap University of Agricultural and Technology, Udaipur (Rajasthan) • Ph.D. in Plant Pathology from Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana (Punjab)

Address: Scientist (Plant Pathology) ICAR-Indian Institute of Maize Research PAU Campus

Email: sumit.aggarwal@icar.gov.in, sumit.aggarwal009@gmail.com

Mobile: +91 8968763661

Phone: +91 0161 2440048 (O)

Fax: +91 0161 2430038

Work experience

  • Scientist (Plant Pathology) at ICAR-Indian Institute of Maize Research, PAU Campus, Ludhiana from 8/10/2018 to till date.
  • Professional attachment training on multi locus sequence typing of Bipolaris maydis from November 2018 to February 2019 at ICAR-IARI, New Delhi
  • Scientist (Plant Pathology) as FOCARS108 batch trainee from 02/07/2018 to 29/09/2018 at ICAR-NAARM, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad.
  • Junior Research Fellow (ICAR project) from 15/01/2016 to 31/03/2017 for molecular breeding to combat biotic stresses in rice at School of Agricultural Biotechnology, PAU, Ludhiana.

Area of interest

  1. Diversity analysis of turcicum leaf blight disease of maize.
  2. Screening to identify promising maize germplasm against diseases of maize across India.

Most significant achievements (in last five years)

  • Developed web enabled forecasting model for banded leaf and sheath blight of maize in 2019.
  • Initiated institutional project on racial identification of turcicum leaf blight of maize across India in 2019.
  • PI in institutional project related to IDM strategies for banded leaf and sheath blight and maydis leaf blight from 2019.
  • CCPI in externally funded project on artificial “Artificial intelligence based mobile app for identification and advisory of maize diseases and insect pests” (ICAR-NASF) from 2019

 Publications in last five years

 Research papers

  1. Aggarwal SK, Neelam K, Jyoti Jain, Rupinder Kaur, Pannu PPS, Lenka S K, Lore J S and Kuldeep (2019) Singh Identification of promising resistance sources against sheath blight from the annual wild species of rice Oryza nivara (Sharma et Shastry). Plant Genetic Resources: Characterization and Utilization. 17(6) 554-58. (NAAS-6.71)
  2. Aggarwal SK, Mali BL, Trivedi A, Bunker RN, Rajput LS, Sudhir Kumar and Anurag Tripathi (2019) Host Plant Resistance in Different Black Gram Cultivars against Anthracnose. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 8:571-75 (NAAS-5.38)
  3. Bunker RN, Tanwar NS and Aggarwal SK (2019) Management of Sorghum Anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum graminicola (Ces.) Wilson (NAAS-5.38)
  4. Aggarwal SK, Mali BL, Rajput LS and Choudhary M (2017) Epidemiology of anthracnose of black gram caused by Colletotrichum lindemuthianum. International Journal of Agriculture Sciences 2 (9): 3656-57. (NAAS-4.2)
  5. Rajput LS, Harlapur SI, Venkatesh I, Aggarwal SK and Choudhary M (2016) In–vitro study of fungicides and an antibiotic against Rhizoctonia solanisp. sasakii causing banded leaf and sheath blight of maize. International Journal of Agriculture Sciences 54(8):2846-48. (NAAS-4.2)
  6. Rajput LS, Harlapur SI, Venkatesh I, Aggarwal SK and Choudhary M (2016) In vitro study of botanicals and biocontrol agents against Rhizoctonia solani sp. Sasakii causing banded leaf and sheath blight of maize. International Journal of Agriculture Sciences 53(8) 2777-79. (NAAS-4.2)
  7. Aggarwal SK, Mali BL and Rawal P (2015) Management of Anthracnose in Black Gram Caused by Colletotrichum lindemuthianum. Journal of Mycology and Plant Pathology 45 (3): 263-66. (NAAS-5.79)

 Review/Popular articles

  1. Aggarwal SK, Hooda KS, Mohit, Olakh DS, Bagaria PK, Kaur R and Mahala D M (2020) Makka ka charcoal vrint sadan rog avum prabhandhan , Krishi Chetna 3: 33-35.
  2. Mahala D M, Jat S L, Kumar A, Parihar CM , Bamboriya SD, Singh AK, Pradeep Kumar and Aggarwal SK (2020) Makka ki Javik kheti, Krishi Chetna 3: 43-46.
  1. Hooda KS, Aggarwal SK, Mohit, Olakha DS and Bagaria PK (2020) Makka ka rogo se bachav, Kheti 72(9):72.
  2. Aggarwal SK, Bagaria P, Gupta M, Kumar S, Bamboriya SD and Hooda KS (2019) Rabi Makka: Pramukh Rog Evam Prabandhan. Krishi Chetna 2: 28-30.
  3. Bagaria PK, Aggarwal SK, Hooda KS, Singh V and Kaur H (2019)  Bharat main Makka ka jeevanu tana sadan rog: Introduction and management. Krishi Chetna 2: 31-32.
  4. Kumar S, Prakash N R, Singh P, Aggarwal SK and Bamboriya SD (2019) Bihar main vishesh prakar ke make ki sambhavnaaye avum avarodh  Krishi Chetna 2: 7-10.
  5. Bamboriya SD, Kumar S, Aggarwal SK, Bamboriya SD and Bamboriya JS (2019) Makka utpadan ki aadhunik technique and upkaran  Krishi Chetna 2: 22-25.

Book chapters

  1. Baljinder Singh, Sahil Mehta, Sumit Kumar Aggarwal, Manish Tiwari, Shafiqul Islam Bhuyan, Sabhyata Bhatia and Md Aminul Islam 2019. Barley, Disease resistance and Molecular Breeding approaches, Disease Resistance in Crop Plants pp 261-299 (Springer)
  2. Oral Presentations
  • Participated and presented (Oral Presentation) on PhD thesis in National Conference on Integrative Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology (8-9 Nov, 2019) at ICAR-Indian Institute of Rice Research, Hyderabad.
  • Participated and presented (Oral Presentation) on PhD work in International Plant Protection Congress (IPPC-2019) (10-14Nov, 2019) at Hyderabad.
  • Participated and presented (Oral presentation) M.Sc. research work and secured 2nd rank in “Global Conference on Technological Challenges and Human Resources for climate smart Horticultural-issues and Strategies” (28-31 May, 2014) at Navsari Agricultural University (Gujrat) (Second prize).


  1. Dharam Paul Chaudhary, Shanti Devi Bamboriya, Abhijit K. Das, Pardeep Kumar, Sumit Kumar Aggarwal, Ramesh Kumar and Sujay Rakshit (2020) Preparation of Souvenir for National Seminar on “Maize for Crop Diversification under Changing Climatic Scenario” (9-10 Feb, 2020)

Significant recognition

  • Awarded with “University Gold Medal” for outstanding academic performance in B.Sc. (Agri.) program at University of Agricultural Science (UAS), Bangalore in 2013.
  • Awarded with “University Gold Medal” for outstanding academic performance in M.Sc. (Agri.) Plant Pathology program at RCA, MPUAT, Udaipur in 2014.
  • Recipient of “Mrs. Manju Memorial Award” for securing highest marks in M.Sc.(Agriculture)Plant Pathology by RCA Alumni Association, Udaipur.
  • Felicitated with “Bhamashah Samman- 2013 award” for best scholar in B.Sc. (Agri.) of 2012 by Shri Arvind Singh ji Mewar through Maharana Mewar Foundation at City Palace Udaipur, Rajasthan (India).
  • Awarded with ICAR’s- National Talent Scholarship for B.Sc. (Agriculture) program at
  • University of Agricultural Science (UAS), Bangalore
  • Recipient of “Merit Scholarship” in M.sc.(Agriculture) plant pathology at RCA, MPUAT, Udaipur