
भाकृअनुप - भारतीय मक्का अनुसंधान संस्थान

ICAR - Indian Institute of Maize Research

(ISO 9001:2015 certified)

Nurturing Diversity, Resilience, Livelihood & Industrial Inputs

डॉ. नीलम सुनील

Designation: प्रधान वैज्ञानिक (पादप प्रजनन)

Qualification: M.Sc. (Ag.) in Plant Physiology from Acharya NG Ranga Agricultural University, Ph.D. in Genetics from Osmania University

Address: Principal Scientist, ICAR-Indian Institute of Maize Research, Winter Nursery Centre Rajendra nagar, Hyderabd 500030 (INDIA)

Email: sunilneelam9@gmail.com

Mobile: +91 9848283645

Work experience

Principal Scientist (Genetics and Plant Breeding) from 19, June 2016- Till date at Winter Nursery Centre, ICAR-Indian Institute of Maize Research (formerly Directorate of Maize Research), Rajendranagar, Hyderabad

Senior Scientist (Genetics and Plant Breeding) from 19, June 2013- 18, 2016 at Winter Nursery Centre, ICAR-Directorate of Maize Research, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad

Senior Scientist (Economic Botany) from  1, January 2011 to 18, June 2013 at ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources , Regional Station, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad

Scientist (Sr. Scale) (Economic Botany) from 2006-2011 at ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources , Regional Station, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad

Scientist, (Economic Botany) from 2001-2006 at ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources , Regional Station, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad

Scientist, (Economic Botany) from Decenber,1999 to 2000 at ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources , Regional Station, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad

 Area of Interest:
Diversification of maize and inbred line development through wild species and landraces towards climate resilience and stress (biotic and abiotic) tolerance

Most significant achievements (in last five years)

  • Developed a Maize germplasm Decision Support Database for maize inbred germplasm development of hybrids
  • Devloped and released dmrh 1305 (Early Maturing Normal field corn)
  • Two QPM lines DQL 2048 and DQL 2015-1have been registered with ICAR for moderate resistance to MLB, TLB
  • Awarded Sipani Krishi Anushandhan Farm Award 2017 for the Best Paper for the year 2017
  • Samagra Vikas Welfare Society (SVWS) awarded “Excellence In Research Award” on the occasion of International Seminar on Agriculture & Food for Inclusive Growth and Development during 14-15 th January 2017 at NBRI, Lucknow
  • R.K.Arora Best Paper award for the year 2015. Given by Indian Society of Plant Genetic Resources for the research paper Dr. R.K.Arora Best Paper award for the year 2015. Given by Indian Society of Plant Genetic Resources for the research paper


Publications in last five years

  1. Sunil Neelam, Srinivasa Rao Nukella, Chikkappa G Karjagi, Chandrasekhar Javaji and Om Prakash Yadav. Decision support system for efficient utilization of maize germplasm for hybrid development. Journal of Pharmacognosy and PhytochemistryPP 2019; SP2: 501-506
  2. Sunil, B. Rekha, KR Yathish,  J C Sehkar, P Ramesh, V Vadez (2018) LeasyScan-an efficient phenotyping platform for identification of pre-breeding genetic stocks in maize. Maize Journal 7(1): 16-22
  3. S R Pandravada, B Abraham, D.Bhadru, N. Sunil, N Sivaraj, V Kamala, S.P Ahlawat and B Sarath Babu (2019) Salvaging Maize (Zea mays L.) Landraces from Central and High Altitude Tribal Regions of Telangana for Conservation and Utilization. Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 7 (1): 166-171
  4. Reddy, M.T., Kalpana, M., Sivaraj, N., Kamala, V., Pandravada, S.R. and Sunil, N. (2019) Indigenous Traditional Knowledge on Health and Equitable Benefits of Oil Palm (Elaeis spp.). Open Access Library Journal , 6: e5103. https://doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1105103
  5. Soujanya, P.L., Sekhar, J., Karjagi, C.G., Vidhyadhari, V., Suby, S.B., Sunil, N.T., Sreelatha, D.V., & Chaudhary, D. (2017). Impact of harvesting time on field carry over infestation of Sitophilus oryzae (L.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in different maize genotypes. Phytoparasitica, 45, 485-499.
  6. Pandurang Arsode, K. Murali Krishna, N. Sunil, Vani Sree and Ravi Charan, A. 2017. Combining Ability and Heterosis Studies for Grain Yield and Its Components in Hybrids of Quality Protein Maize (Zea mays L.). Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 6(12): 2538-2545. doi: https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcmas.2017.612.294
  7. Reddy, M.T., Pandravada, S.R., Sivaraj, N., Kamala, V., Sunil, N. and Dikshit, N. (2017) Classification and Characterization of Landscapes in the Territory of Adilabad District, Telangana, Deccan Region, India. Open Access Library Journal, 4: e3745. https://doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1103745
  8. Reddy, M.T., Sivaraj, N., Kamala, V., Pandravada, S.R., Sunil, N. and Dikshit, N. (2018) Classification, Characterization and Comparison of Aquatic Ecosystems in the Landscape of Adilabad District, Telangana, Deccan Region, India. Open Access Library Journal, 5:e4459. https://doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1104459
  9. Sunil N., Keshavulu K., Vinod Kumar,, E. Sudhir, Yashoda,. Chakrabarty S K. 2016. Germination Enhancement Studies in Jatropha curcas L. by Chemical and Physical Methods. International Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 6(3): 132-136.
  10. Dar Z A., Lone A A., Sunil N, Sivaraj N, Zafar G, Makdoomi M. I, Asima Gazal, Elahi B A., Ali G, Habib M, Wani M. A. 2016. Diversity analysis of maize inbred lines using DIVA-GIS under temperate ecologies. Journal of Applied and Natural Science 8 (3): 1576 – 1583
  11. Medagam Thirupathi Reddy, Someswara Rao Pandravada, Natarajan Sivaraj and Neelam Sunil.2016. Characterization Of Indian Landrace Germplasm And Morphological Traits Desirable For Designing A Customer-Driven Variety In Okra (Abelmoschus Esculentus L. Moench). Journal of Global Agriculture and Ecology, 6(1 ): 7-34
  12. Sunil N, Vinod Kumar, Panwar NS, Pandravada SR, Sivaraj
    N, Kamala V, Debnath MK and KS Varaprasad.2016. Analysis of Diversity and
    Distribution of Pongamia [Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre] Germplasm Collections from Two Distinct Eco-GeographicalRegions in India. Vegetos , 29:3DOI: 10.4172/2229-4473.1000134
  13. Murthi Anishetty N, Ramnatha Rao, Sivaraj N, Saratha Babu B, Sunil N, Varaprasad KS. Gene Banks: Management of Genetic Erosion in Ex Situ Collections. Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources. 29 (3):268-271
  14. Medagam Thirupathi Reddy, Someswara Rao Pandravada, Neelam Sunil and Natarajan Sivaraj (2016). Genetic diversity and variability of indigenous landrace germplasm collection of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench) from traditional agro-ecosystems in tribal areas of Telangana, India.  Journal of Global Agriculture and Ecology 6(2): 90-107.
  15. Medagam Thirupathi Reddy, Someswara Rao Pandravada, Natarajan Sivaraj, Neelam Sunil, Nilamani Dikshit and Kamala Venkateswaran (2016). Backyard farming of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench) in traditional agricultural landscapes of Adilabad district, Telangana, India.  Journal of Global Agriculture and Ecology 6(2): 147-161.
  16. Pandravada, S.R., Bhardwaj, R., Sivaraj, N., Kamala, V., Sunil, N., Jairam, R., Chakrabarty, S.K and Bisht, I.S. (2017). Balinta pesalu – A unique Green Gram landrace from Telangana: Validating its indigenous traditional knowledge and nutritional traits. Asian Agri-History. 21 (1): 35 – 44.
  17. Soujanya P L, Sekhar JC, Kumar P, Sunil N, Varaprasad Ch. And Mallavadhani U V. 2016. Potentiality of botanical agents for the management of post harvest insects of maize: a review. Journal of Food Science and Technology. 1-16pp. DOI 10.1007/s13197-015-2161-0
  18. Chary G.R, Rao GR, Naidu L GK, Srinivas S, Sunil N, Sankar GR Maruthi, Srinivasrao Ch., Ramamurthy V, Pratibha G., Rani N.2015. Climate and soil-site suitability criteria for Jatropha curcas L. cultivation under non-arable marginal lands in different agro-ecological regions of India. Range Management and Agroforestry, 35 (2):210-219
  19. Reddy M. T., Begum H., Sunil N, Pandravada S. R., Sivaraj N. and Kumar S.2015. Mapping the Climate Suitability Using MaxEnt Modeling Approach for Ceylon Spinach (Basella alba L.) Cultivation in India. The Journal of Agricultural Sciences 10 (2): 87 – 97
  20. Pandravada SR, Thirupathi Reddy , Sivaraj N., Jairam R., Sunil N., Chakrabarty S.K.and I.S. Bisht. 2015. Preliminary characterization and evaluation of on-farm conserved okra germplasm from tribal pockets of Telangana. Annals of Plant and Soil Research 17(4): 342-345
  21. Pandravada S R., Sivaraj N., Jairam R., Sunil N., Chakrabarty S K., Eshwar Charan R., Ramesh P. and Bisht I.S. 2015. Agri-biodiversity Maintained On-farm by Ethnic Groups in Peninsular India:Legacy of Landrace Sustainability in Cereals and Millets. Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources. 28 (3):335-344.
  22. Reddy, M.T., Begum, H., Sunil, N., Rao, P.S., Sivaraj, N. and Kumar, S. (2015) Predicting PotentialHabitat Distribution of Sorrel (Rumex vesicarius L.) in India from Presence-Only Data Using Maximum Entropy Model. OpenAccess Library Journal, 2: e1590. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1101590
  23. Reddy M T , Begum H, Sunil N, S R Pandravada2, Sivaraj N .2015. Assessing Climate Suitability for Sustainable Vegetable Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa var.sabdariffa L.)Cultivation in India Using MaxEnt Model. Agricultural and Biological Sciences Journal, 1( 2): 62-70.
  24. Reddy M T, H Begum, Rao N H.,Sunil N, Pandravada S R and Sivaraj N. 2015. Genetic Diversity and Variability in Landraces for Key Agroeconomic traits in Vegetable Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa var.sabdariffa L.). Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences, 8 (2):113-125


Technical Bulletins

  1. Sunil N, Vinod Kumar, K.S.Varaprasad, G.RajeshwarRao, M.Sujatha, A.K. Sharma (2010). Minimal Descriptors of Jatropha curcas L. National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, Pusa Campus, New Delhi.  P 32.
  2. Sunil N, Seetharam A, Murthy P S S and Varaprasad (2003). Characterisation of Finger Millet (Eleusine coracana (L) Gaertn.) Germplasm Accessions from Hilly Areas for Utilization in Crop Improvement. National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, Pusa Campus, New Delhi.  P 60.

Book Chapters

  1. Sivaraj, S.R. Pandravada, V. Kamala, N. Sunil et al. 2016. Geographical Information System (GIS) for Sustainable Crop Health Management.International Conference on Plant Health Management for Food Security, Hyderabad. Plant Health Management for Food Security: Issues and approaches Daya Publishing House, New Delhi 110 002
  2. Pandravada, S.R., Sivaraj, N., Sunil, N., Jairam, R., Chakrabarty, S.K., Ramesh, P., Sailu, G., Bhardwaj, S.,  Jadhav, S.N., Bisht, I.S.,  Bansal, K.C and Sarath Babu, B. (2017). Securing livelihoods in fragile ecosystem of Adilabad, deccan  plateau  through conservation and integration of crop, animal and fish genetic resources.   Integrated farming systems for sustainable agriculture and enhancement of rural livelihoods. Muralidharan, K., Prasad, M.V.R and Siddiq, E.A. (Eds.). RICAREA, Hyderabad, Telangana. Pp 230 – 240.
  3. Sunil N, Vinod Kumar,k Kodeboyina S. Varaprasad. 2013. Origin, Domestication, Distribution and Diversity of Jatropha curcas L. In:Bir Bahadur, Mulpuri Sujatha,Nicolas Carels, editors. Jatropha, Challenges for a New Energy Crop Vol 2: Genetic Improvement and Biotechnology. Dordrecht: Springer; p.137-151
  4. N., N. Sunil, Vinod Kumar and K.V. Krishnamurthy (2008). Phenology and reproductive ecology of tree taxa in the scrub vegetation of Eastern Ghats, India. In: Bioresources Conservation and Management, AJ Solomon Raju (ed.). Today & Tomorrow’s Printers and Publishers. New Delhi. Pp.5-21.
  5. Pandravada, S.R., N. Sivaraj,V.Kamala, N. Sunil, B.SarathBabu and K.S. Varaprasad(2008). Agri-biodiversity of Eastern Ghats – Exploration, Collection, and Conservation of Crop Genetic Resources. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Conservation of Eastern Ghats. Environment Protection Training and Research Institute, Hyderabad. Pp 19 – 27.
  6. Nirmala, R., N. Sunil and N. Sivaraj(2009). Molecular approaches for plant genetic resource management. In: S. John Britto (ed.) The diversity of plants-A molecular approach.  The Rapinat Herbarium and Centre for Molecular Systematics, St. Joseph’s College, Tiruchirapalli 620 002 pp 89-102.
  7. Sivaraj, N., S.R.Pandravada, V. Kamala, N. Sunil, B.SarathBabu, Babu Abraham and K.S. Varaprasad(2010). Bottle gourd diversity in tribal pockets of Andhra Pradesh, India – A potential livelihood component for rural folk. In: Sulladmath, U.V, and Swamy, K.R.M. (Eds.). Proceedings of International Conference on Horticulture (ICH-2009), PNASF, Bangalore. Pp. 1311-1315.
  8. Sivaraj N, SR Pandravada, V Kamala, N Sunil, B Sarath Babu, Babu Abraham, K Anitha, K Rameash, SK Chakrabarty and KS Varaprasad. 2012. Forest genetic resources research at NBPGR Regional Station, Hyderabad: Status and strategies for management. In: Forest genetic resources management in India (Editors: K Palanisamy, N Krishnakumar and R Anandalakshmi). Proceedings of the Consultative workshop on strategies for formation of forest genetic resources management network (FGRMN)-2011. Pages 270-286. Published by Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, Coimbatore.

Others (Brochure/Folders/Flyer/Popular articles)

  1. Pandravada, S.R., N. Sivaraj, V. Kamala, N. Sunil, B. SarathBabu and S.K. Chakrabarty (2012). Rytaangaanikimedhoparaminahakkulupondadaanikivupayogapadechattaalu. National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, Regional Station, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500 030, Andhra Pradesh. 4 pp.
  2. Pandravada, S.R., N. Sunil, N. Sivaraj, V. Kamala, B. SarathBabu and K. Chakrabarty(2012). Visakhapatnam jilla lopanta lajanyu vanaru laabhivruddhi logirijan ategalapatra – Deshavaalirakaalaparirakshanapaiavagaahanamariyuaavasyakata. National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, Regional Station, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500 030, Andhra Pradesh.  4 pp.
  3. Sivaraj, N., S.R.Pandravada, N.Sunil, R. Jairam, S.K.Chakrabarty, I.S. Bisht and K.C. Bansal (2012).Sorghum landrace diversity of Adilabad. National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, Regional Station, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500 030, Andhra Pradesh. 8 pp.
  4. Sunil, N., S.R. Pandravada, N.Sivaraj, R. Jairam, S.K. Chakrabarty, I.S. Bisht and K.C. Bansal(2012). Farmers and their seed wealth, Adilabad, Andhra Pradesh. National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, Regional Station, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500 030, Andhra Pradesh. 4 pp.
  5. Pandravada, S.R., N. Sivaraj, N. Sunil, R.Jairam, S.K. Chakrabarty, P. Ramesh, S.N. Jadhav, I.S. Bisht and K.C. Bansal (2011). NAIP Brochure on Adilabad, Andhra Pradesh. National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, Regional Station, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500 030, Andhra Pradesh. 4 pp.
  6. Pandravada, S.R., N. Sivaraj, N. Sunil, R.Jairam, S.K. Chakrabarty,I.S.Bisht, and K.C. Bansal (2012).Promising accessions of Agri-horticultural Biodiversity from Adilabad. National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, Regional Station, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500 030, Andhra Pradesh. 2 pp.


Significant recognition

Best poster award at the National Symposium on Recent Global Developments in the Management of Plant Genetic Resources, 17-18 December 2009.  Souvenir and Abstracts. Indian Society of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi. P. 192.

Young Scientist Award at the 4th International  Conference  on Medicinal  Plants  &  Herbal Products held from  September 6-8,  2012  at  Johns  Hopkins University  Montgomery  County Campus,  USA

Fellow Plant Protection Association of India 2016