
भाकृअनुप - भारतीय मक्का अनुसंधान संस्थान

ICAR - Indian Institute of Maize Research

(ISO 9001:2015 certified)

Nurturing Diversity, Resilience, Livelihood & Industrial Inputs

Gossaigaon (Assam)

Name of centre (Latitude/Longitude):       
Regional Agricultural Research Station, Assam, Agricultural University, Gossaigaon.

(Latitude/Longitude) :                                 
Lat: 2604/N, Long: 8909/ E; Altitude: 48.1 MSL

Telipara, Gossaigaon, Kokrajhar, Assam. PIN: 783360

Staff details:

Sl.No.Name of the post/cadreNo. of posts sanctionedNameContact details
Scientific staff
1Scientist (PBG) & In-charge, AICRP (Maize)1Nabajyoti BhuyanMobile: 9854013768 bnabajyoti@rediffmail.com
2Asstt. Agronomist1Mahadeb Ujir BasumataryMobile: 9435181473 mahadevbasumatary@yahoo.co.in
Supporting staff
3Field Asstt. III1Mantosh Kr. SahMobile: 8486040130
4Field Asstt. III1Tapan BaishyaMobile: 7002242391
5Field Asstt. III (against the post of STA)1Rupam TalukdarMobile: 6900898732
6Typist1Bidyut Jyoti PathakMobile: 7638842400


  1. To undertake research for genetic enhancement in maize of yield and its important attributes
  2. To develop efficient package of practices for increasing maize production in the state
  3. To popularize the crop in the region through frontline demonstration of high yielding varieties

Farm area: 2 ha.

Significant achievements:

  1. Maize Hybrids Nationally Recommended for the Zone
  2. Vivek Maize Hybrid 47 (FH 3515)
  3. Vivek Maize Hybrid 53 (FH 3556)
  4. Bio 9544 (BIO 151)
  5. Crop Management Technology Recommended for the Zone
  6. Under rain fed conditions residue retention @ 5 t/ha on the soil surface is recommended for enhancing maize productivity by 9-29%.
  7. The intercropping of soybean/black gram in maize grown during kharif season is recommended.
  1. A total of more than 100 ha. of FLD conducted.
  2. A total of 15 training programmes and 6 field days conducted under AICRP (Maize)
  3. Paper Presented in UGC sponsored National Seminar: 01 No.

(UGC sponsored National Seminar on Emerging Challenges in Indian Agriculture: The Looking Forward organized by Department of Economic in collaboration with IQAC Gossaigaon College, Assam)

  • Paper Published: 01 no.
  • B. Kalita, and S. K. Paul (2016): Baby corn (Zea maize Linn): Emerging a profit making crop for farmer of Assam. Book on Emerging Challenges in Indian Agriculture: The Looking Forward, Excel India Publication, New Delhi. 23-24th December, 2016, Page:57-61.
  1. Three nos. of bulletins one each on Normal maize, sweet corn and baby corn cultivation in Assam condition are published.
  2. Book chapter on Maize research and development in Assam In, Maize Industry in India, Retrospect and Prospect, published by ICAR-IIMR, Ludhiana.
  3. Successfully hosted the 62nd Annual Maize Workshop of AICRP (Maize) in Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat, Assam.