Name of Centre: Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana
Latitude: 30o 56’ N
Longitude: 75o 52’ E
Address: Maize Section, Department of Plant Breeding and
Genetics, PAU, Ludhiana
Staff details: Sanctioned Positions
Scientists: 6
Technical/ office/supporting staff: 12
To enhance maize productivity and profitability through single cross hybrid
technology and value-added specialty maize
Farm area: 35 Acre
Varieties/Hybrids developed and released by PAU
Phule Maharshi
S No |
Variety/ hybrid |
Year of release |
Yield (q/ha) |
Distinguishable characters |
1. |
Pb Hyb 1 |
1956 |
2. |
Ganga 1 |
1961 |
Double cross hybrid |
3. |
Ganga Hybrid Makka 101 |
1961 |
40.0 |
Double cross hybrid with strong stem; leaves broad and dark green; ears long, well filled with tight husk cover extending beyond the cap of the cob; grains attractive, bold, round, hard and orange yellow; plant stay green at harvest. Resistant to downy mildew and other diseases. |
4. |
Ganga Safaid Hybrid Makka 2 |
1963 |
43.0 |
Double top-cross hybrid, plants with strong stem; leaves erect and broad; ear placement medium with good husk cover; grins round, medium and white; moderately susceptible to leaf blight and rust but tolerant to stem borer. |
5. |
Ganga Hybrid Makka 3 |
1964 |
35.0 |
Double cross hybrid, early maturing, plants vigorous with good husk cover; grains bright orange yellow, medium, bold and flint; resistant to downy mildew. |
6. |
Him 123 |
1964 |
45.0 |
Double cross hybrid, tall plants; medium ear placement; grains yellow, bold and semi flint; recommended for hilly areas. |
7. |
Vijay* |
1969 |
60.0 |
Dual purpose composite; leaves broad; ears bold thick with light husk cover; average to low ear placement; tassel open, generally white silks; grains moderately bold, semi- dent to flint and yellow to orange. |
8. |
Ganga Hybrid Makka 5 |
1968 |
45.0 |
A medium stature double top cross hybrid with medium maturity; grains bold, yellow and semi flint. |
9. |
Rattan* |
1971 |
40.0 |
A medium maturity composite; leaves broad; medium ear placement; grains light yellow, semi flint, soft and dull. |
10. |
Makki Safed 1* |
1973 |
37.5 |
Early maturing, erect plant type; grains dull white. |
11. |
Ageti 76* |
1976 |
39.0 |
Early maturing; grains bold, attractive, medium round and orange yellow, usually flint; wider adaptability. |
12. |
Partap* |
1980 |
45.0 |
Medium tall composite with low ear placement; stem strong, medium thick; ears long thick with tight husk cover; grains flint to semi-flint, medium and orange yellow. |
13. |
Sangam |
1981 |
50.0 |
Medium tall, vigorous hybrid with strong stem; average ear placement; grains white, bold semi-flint to dent. |
14. |
Navjot* |
1982 |
41.0 |
Early maturing composite, compact plant type; grains attractive, medium sized, yellow orange and mostly flint type. . |
15. |
Partap 1 |
1983 |
62.5 |
Cold tolerant, high yielding winter maize composite, resembles Partap for morphological traits. |
16. |
Parbhat* |
1987 |
44.0 |
Medium tall plants; stem medium thick, lodging resistant, medium ear placement; ears medium long and thick with well developed husk cover; grains bold yellow orange and semi-flint to flint. |
17. |
Sartaj* |
1987 |
50.0 |
Double cross hybrid, strong stem, medium plant height, low ear placement; leaves dark green and narrow, relatively erect; tassel light; ears long and medium thick; grains medium bold, yellow orange and flint. |
18. |
Kiran* |
1988 |
38.0 |
Average ear placement; leaves medium broad; early maturity; grains usually orange flint. |
19. |
J 1006 |
1989 |
165.0 (Green fodder) |
Tall, quick growing fodder maize composite with broad leaves, moderately resistant to maydis leaf blight and brown stripe downy mildew diseases, ears are long, thick and cylindrical. Grains are white, bold and semi-flint to semi- dent. |
20. |
Megha* |
1990 |
30.0 |
Early maturity, medium tall plants with medium ear placement, drought tolerant; grains yellow orange and flint. |
21. |
Kesri |
1992 |
40.0 |
Early maturity, plant height and ear placement medium; ears thick at the base and tapering towards the tip; good tip filling and husk cover; grains deep orange flint. Also recommended for baby corn. |
22. |
Punjab Sathi 1 |
1994 |
22.5 |
Heat tolerant, extra early maturity, plants short with medium ear placement; leaves narrow, short, semi-erect to erect; tassels light and open; silks generally light green; ears short, thin with light husk cover; grains small, orange and flint. |
23. |
Paras |
1995 |
55.0 |
Single cross hybrid, tall, medium stout stem and ear placement; medium sized semi erect leaves; tassel medium; anther and silks green; ear thin and long; grain yellow bold flint with a few semi dents; cob white thin. |
24. |
Pearl Popcorn |
1995 |
30.0 |
Medium plant height and ear placement; ears thin long and cylindrical; grains small, round and flint. |
25. |
Parkash* |
1997 |
48.0 (I) 36.0 (R) |
Short duration and drought tolerant hybrid, plants medium tall, medium ear placement; leaves medium sized and semi erect; tassel medium sized and open; ear long and tip slightly blank; grains yellow orange and flint; cobs white. Also recommended for baby corn. |
26. |
JH 3459 |
2000 |
51.0 (I) 40.0 (R) |
Plants medium tall, medium ear placement; leaves medium sized and dark green; tassel open with spreading branches and medium; ears uniform, medium long with shinning orange flint grains; tips comparatively filled; cobs white; plants have stay green characteristics. |
27. |
Buland* |
2002 |
77.5 |
Medium tall plants; ear placement medium; leaves large broad with rough surface; tassel open and medium in size; glumes green with anthocyanin pigment at the base; ears thick; grains bold, yellow orange and flint. Cold tolerant |
28. |
Sheetal |
2001 |
70.0 |
Medium tall winter hybrid, medium ear placement; leaves medium size; ears uniform, medium long, medium breadth; ear tip slightly blank; tassel medium and open; anther colour cream; grains orange, yellow flint, few grains with caps; cobs white. |
29. |
PMH 1* |
2005 |
65.0 |
Tall plants; stem with purple colouration, zig-zag and sturdy; leaves medium broad; tassel open and medium; ears medium long with yellow orange and flint grains. |
30. |
PMH 2 |
2005 |
45.0 |
Short duration hybrid, medium plant height; medium ear placement; leaves medium sized and dark green; tassel medium and semi open; silks green; ears medium long; grains yellow orange, flint with yellow caps, resistant to lodging |
31. |
PAU* 352 |
2007 |
57.5 |
Single cross, short duration hybrid for North-western plains of India; medium tall plants, drought tolerant; tassel medium sized, semi compact; silks green; orange flint kernels with yellow caps; cobs white. |
32. |
Punjab Sweet Corn 1 |
2008 |
32.5 |
Tall plants, medium thick stem, medium ear placement; leaves broad; tassel open with creamish anthers; silks usually creamish at the time of emergence; husk cover well developed; grains orange at maturity. |
33. |
PMH 3* |
2008 |
67.0 |
Tall plants, medium ear placement; ears conical and long; tassels open; grains orange and flint; cobs white; recommended for North-West plains of India. |
34. |
PMH 4* |
2010 |
83.0 |
Medium plants, medium ear placement; ears conical and medium; tassels open; silk green: grains yellow orange flint with caps; cobs white; recommended for North-West plains of India. |
35. |
PMH 5* |
2010 |
58.9 |
Medium plants, medium ear placement; ears conical and medium; tassels open; silk green: grains orange red flint with slight capping; cobs white; recommended for Zone V of India. |
36. |
PMH 6* |
2013 |
63.0 |
Medium duration, Thick ears, orange yellow flint grains with caps. Recommended for irrigated conditions during kharif season for Zone III. |
37. |
PMH 7 |
2013 |
75.0 |
Short duration, attractive shinning deep orange flint grains, moderately tolerant to high temperature stress, moderately tolerant to post flowering stalk rots, moderately tolerant to shoot fly. Suitable for irrigated conditions during Spring season for Punjab |
38 |
PMH 8 |
2014 |
77.5 |
Orange flint grains with yellow caps Moderately tolerant to high temp. stress. Suitable for irrigated conditions during Spring season for Punjab. |
39 |
PMH 9 |
2014 |
77.5 |
Suitable for irrigated conditions during winter season for Punjab |
40 |
PMH 10 |
2015 |
78.7 |
Plants are medium tall with medium ear placement. Leaves are broad. Attractive orange flint grains. Suitable for irrigated conditions during Spring season for Punjab |
41 |
PMH 11 |
2018 |
55.0 |
Suitable for irrigated conditions during Kharif season for Punjab |
42 |
PMH 12* |
2018 |
71.0 |
Recommended for irrigated conditions during kharif season for Zone III |
44 |
PC 12 |
2020 |
46.0 |
Composite maize variety released particularly for maize growing belt in Kandi Area during Kharif season |
45 |
J 1007 |
2020 |
175 Green fodder |
Composite maize variety for fodder purpose released in Punjab |