
भाकृअनुप - भारतीय मक्का अनुसंधान संस्थान

ICAR - Indian Institute of Maize Research

(ISO 9001:2015 certified)

Nurturing Diversity, Resilience, Livelihood & Industrial Inputs


i) Spraying the maize crop 15 days after germination either with Deltamethrin 2.8 EC (7ml in 10 litre of water) or Endosulphan 35 EC (16 ml in 10 litre of water) is recommended for the control of stem borer (Chilo partellus swinehoe) with spray volume of 250 litres per hectare.
ii) For effective control of army worm in maize spraying of cypermethrin 0.01%, Fenvelrate 0.01%, Chlorpyriphos 0.05%, methyl parathion 0.05% or dusting with methyl parathion 2D @20 Kg/ ha. immediately after incidence is recommended.

Agronomic recommendations:

i) For late maturing (full season) and medium maturity varieties the plant population should be 60,000 per hectare and for early types it should be 90,000 per hectare.
ii) The treatment of Azotobactor to maize seed @15g/Kg at the time of sowing is recommended.
iii) For effective control of weed in maize spraying of Atratap on soil @2 to 2.5 Kg/ha. before emergence is recommended.
iv) Application of 210 Kg N/ha. with 75 Kg seed rate/ha. For green fodder maize (cv.African tall) is recommended for “D” and “E” types of soils in sub-montane Zone under rainfed condition.
v) Sowing of maize from 22nd meteorological week(i.e. dry seeding from 28th May to 3rd June) is recommended for “D” and “E” types of soils in sub-montane Zone under rainfed condition.
vi) For late maturing and medium maturing maize varieties, the fertilizer dose should be applied@ 120:60:40 Kg NPK/ha. Nitrogen should be applied in three equal doses i.e. at sowing, 30 days after sowing & 40 to 50 days after sowing.
vii) Cultivation of safflower (for vegetable) as intercrop in maize with application of 120 Kg N/ha. is recommended for higher monetary returns.
viii) The cropping system growing maize + Groundnut- Wheat with 100% recommended fertilizer is beneficial.
ix) New intercrops identified along with their cultivars for Kharif & Rabi season.

Sr. No. Particular Kharif Rabi
1 Name of intercrop/cultivar Groundnut- S.B-11 Safflower-Tara, Bhima
2 Name of Maize cultivar Manjri, Panchaganga Manjri, Panchaganga
3 Region Sub- Montane Zone Sub- Montane Zone
4 Package of practices   Maize + Groundnut in paired row planting system. Safflower in between rows of maize for vegetable purpose.
5 Additional benefit expected Rs.3 to 4 thousand/ha. Rs.2 to 3 thousand/ha.