
भाकृअनुप - भारतीय मक्का अनुसंधान संस्थान

ICAR - Indian Institute of Maize Research

(ISO 9001:2015 certified)

Nurturing Diversity, Resilience, Livelihood & Industrial Inputs

Peddapuram (Andhra Pradesh)

Name of centre : Agricultural Research Station, Peddapuram
(Latitude/Longitude) Latitude: 170.07’ N; Longitude: 820.14’ E; Altitude: 46.25 MSL
Address : Agricultural Research Station, Peddapuram-533437,
East Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh

Staff details :

Sl. No. Name of the Post/ Cadre No. of posts sanctioned Name of the staff Contact Details
Scientific staff
1. Scientist (Plant Breeding) 1Dr. I.Sudhir KumarMobile No.: 9959792568
2. Scientist (Agronomy) 1 Ms. V. SujathaMobile No.: 9398196646
3. Scientist (Plant Pathology) 1Mr. P. Bharath
Mobile No.: 9491575768
Support staff      
4. Senior Technical Assistant 3 Vacant  
5. LDC/Typist 1 Mr. K. Prashanth Kumar  

Mandate :

  • Development of high yielding maize hybrids of different durations.
  • Development of hybrids resistance to important diseases.
  • Development of profitable production technologies based on maize.

Farm area : Cultivable land: 05.67 ha.
Roads and Buildings: 01.27 ha
Total : 06.94 ha

Significant achievements:
Note: AICRP on maize at ANGRAU-ARS, Peddapuram is a new center started functioning from 01.04.2018. However, the following importatnt functions have been performed:

  • Efficiently conducted all the experimental trials during kharif and rabi (Plant breeding, Agronomy and Plant pathology) with good remarks by the monitoring team in the first year of initiation of the scheme during 2018-19.
  • Developed and identified high yielding late maturity hybrid PHM 1801 and nominated for evaluation in the multi-location testing during 2018-19.
  • Developed scientific material on management of fall army worm, hybrid seed production in maize in vernacular language and created awareness in the farming community through conduct/participation in the training programs organized at