
भाकृअनुप - भारतीय मक्का अनुसंधान संस्थान

ICAR - Indian Institute of Maize Research

(ISO 9001:2015 certified)

Nurturing Diversity, Resilience, Livelihood & Industrial Inputs

Sringar (J_K)

Name of Centre (Latitude/Longitude):
Srinagar, 34.08 N, 74.79 E (Elevation 1582 m)
Address: Dryland Agriculture Research Station, P.Box 905, GPO Srinagar, Kashmir-190001
Staff details:

Staff Position Total Number of Posts Total No.of Filled Posts Details
Scientific 03 03 Dr. Z.A. Dar (Breeding) Dr. S. Naseer (Breeding) Dr. F. Rasool (Agronomy)
Technical 02 01 Dr. Shahida Iqbal
FCLA 02 01 Mr. Mubarik Reshi
Driver 01 01 Mr. Abdul Qayoom Bhat
Staff Clerk 01 01 Mrs. Snehlata


  • Evaluation of extra early/early/medium/full season maturity varieties in Coordinated Trials.
  • Collections, evaluation, cataloging and maintenance of local and exotic germplasm.
  • Development of high yielding composites suited to different Agro climatic conditions of Zone-1
  • Development of high yielding maize Hybrids suited to different Agro-climatic conditions of Zone-1.
  • Seed production of released maize varieties.
  • Standardization of agro techniques for higher maize yield
  • Transfer of technology to the marginal farmers through Farmers Participatory Research.

Farm area: 40 ha ( 7 ha dedicated to Maize Research)

  • Seventeen Varieties have been released by the centre till date at State and National Level in Normal and Speciality Maize which have involved lines from AICRP, CIMMYT, and Local Germplasm resources.
  • Composite-15 (C-15) has been bestowed the Mega Variety Award by ISGPB during 2017.
  • Inter-Institutional Heterotic Pattern has been established with VPKAS, Almora (V-351 x KDM-914A)
  • Three Thousand Inbred Lines have been developed/evaluated till now in various backgrounds.
  • Nine Pools in Different backgrounds in early and medium group have been developed for deriving inbred lines
  • One Hundred and Ten local Land Races have been characterized for DUS, Molecular, Biotic Resistance and Abiotic Stress Resilience Related Traits and Fifty Five Have been registered with PPVFRA for issuing the certificate
  • Eighty Three Maize Accessions have been deposited with NBPGR and I C Numbers Obtained.
  • Three Mapping populations for roots, waxes and water use efficiency have been developed
  • Multi-locus profile and SSR Barcode of single cross maize hybrids has been completed
  • A First Report of Development of Thermo Tolerance based protocol (TIR) has been standardized in Maize
  • Phenomics Based Differentiation of Maize Inbreds has been standardized
  • Transcriptomics for identifying cold tolerance expression .has been established in Gurez Local
  • Four Varieties Developed by the Centre namely C-8, C-14, Shalimar KG-1 and Shalimar KG-2 were granted protection under PPV & FRA under Extant Category
  • Developed 290 new inbreds from source material received from WNC, Hyderabad IIMR, New Delhi and CIMMYT for traits like Earliness, Cold Tolerance, Drought Tolerance, and TLB resistance in Normal and Speciality Maize including QPM, Popcorn and Sweet Corn
  • An Amount of Rs. 2.80 Crores Has been Obtained through various Externally Funded Projects from Agencies like, NATP, DBT, UGC, DST, PPVFRA, RKVY and IFPRI.
  • Twelve Awards have been bestowed upon the Scientists of AICRP by various Societies
  • One Post-Doc Fellowship (USA) along with Two INSA Fellowships under SRF and Visiting Scientist have been completed successfully.
  • Molecular Characterization and Grouping has been completed in 102 Normal and 60 QPM Inbreds
  • Ninety Two Students have till now completed their PG/ Ph.D work on differnet aspects of Maize in the Disciplines of Breeding/Agronomy/ Pathology/ Entomology/ Soil Science/ Biotechnology/Seed Science and Agri Extension.
  • 1400q of seed of various maize composites/hybrids has been produced to cater to the needs of various indenting agencies at state and central level.
  • A Total of 340 Trials in Breeding, 180 Trials in Agronomy have been conducted since the Centre was established, also from 2017 the voluntary centre at Larnoo has conducted thirty trials.
  • A total of fourteen books and twenty manuals of different Research/Teaching aspects of Maize have been completed by the Scientists of Srinagar Centre.