
भाकृअनुप - भारतीय मक्का अनुसंधान संस्थान

ICAR - Indian Institute of Maize Research

(ISO 9001:2015 certified)

Nurturing Diversity, Resilience, Livelihood & Industrial Inputs


  • Five splits of nitrogen at 20% basal, 25% at 4- leaf stage, 30% at 8- leaf stage, 20% at tassel emergence and remaining 5% at early grain filling stage is best nitrogen utilization, higher yield and net returns.
  • Maize-wheat–mungbean/cowpea cropping system is suitable for improvement of organic carbon, available N and available P in zero tillage than conventional tillage.
  • Intercropping of two rows of groundnut in paired row maize (45/90 cm) is more profitable compared to intercropping of mungbean, urdbean, cowpea and soybean.
  • The optimum plant population for rabi maize is 80 thousands/ha and row distance is 60 cm with 150 kg N, 60 kg P2O5 and 40 kg K2O/ha for productivity optimization.
  • In spring season, application of rice straw mulch @ 5 t/ha after 2nd irrigation is effective in increasing productivity, net return and irrigation water use efficiency.
  • Raised bed with or without residue conservation is better than conventional tillage method on Mollisols of tarai region in maize
  • Continuous application of recommended dose of N, P and K through chemical fertilizers along with farm yard manure 5 t ha-1 increases productivity and nutrient uptake by maize and wheat, increases soil organic carbon and sequestration and maintaining soil health in maize-wheat rotation in mollisols.
  • Bacterial stalk rot of maize can be managed efficiently by soil application of bleaching powder @ 25 kg/ha at the time of flowering followed by second application after 10 – 12 days. Through irrigation water, bleaching powder (3%) @ 16.5 kg/ha at the time of disease appearance or at flowering is recommended for BSR.
  • For the management of Brown stripe downy mildew, 4 – 6 foliar spraying of mancozeb (0.3%), Captan (0.2%) at 7 to 10 days intervalor three foliar spray of Zinc Sulphate + Lime (0.5% + 0.25%) and Copper sulphate (0.1%) at 7 days interval. Seed treatment with Metalaxyl 35% WS @ 7 gm/kg seed followed by foliar spray of mancozeb 75% WP or Metalaxyl 8% + Mancozeb 64% WP @ 2 – 2.5 kg/ha is also effective for managing  Brown stripe downy mildew.
  • Chopped green paddy stem with 10% sucrose and peptone was found the best substrate for mass production of Rhizoctonia solani for artificial inoculation under field conditions
  • For chemical management of banded leaf and sheath blight, two foliar spraying of Propiconazole 25 EC/ Dinfenconazole 25 EC @ 0.1% at 10-15 days interval was found effective. Newer compounds Pencycuran 250 SC @ 0.1% or Azoxystrobin 250 Sc @ 0.05% was found effective for the management of BLSB. Soil application of Trichoderma harzianum impregnated FYM @ 100kg/ha and seed dressing with the same @ 2.5g/ka seed gave the highest disease control and yield.
  • For management of Post flowering of stalk rot seed treatment with Benlate (2 gm/kg seed), drainage of water at the time of flowering and irrigation in case of moisture stress was found effective in minimizing the disease incidence.
  • For the management of Maydis leaf blight two spraying of mancozeb 75WP or Zineb 75WP @ 2 – 2.5 kg/ha at 10 to 15 days interval is recommended.