
भाकृअनुप - भारतीय मक्का अनुसंधान संस्थान

ICAR - Indian Institute of Maize Research

(ISO 9001:2015 certified)

Nurturing Diversity, Resilience, Livelihood & Industrial Inputs

डॉ. रमेश कुमार

Designation: प्रधान वैज्ञानिक (पादप प्रजनन)

Qualification: M.Sc. (Ag.) & PhD in Plant Breeding from CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar (Haryana)

Address: ICAR-Indian Institute of Maize Research PAU Campus Ludhiana 141 004 (INDIA)

Email: ramesh.kumar@icar.gov.in, rk.phagna@gmail.com

Mobile: +91 8437252547

Phone: +91 0161 2440048 (O)

Fax: +91 0161 2430038

Work experience

  • Scientist (Plant Breeding) at ICAR-IIMR, Ludhiana from Dec 20, 2016 to till date
  • Scientist (Plant Breeding) from Dec. 19, 2010 – Dec 19, 2016: ICAR-Indian Institute of Maize Research (formerly Directorate of Maize Research), Ludhiana (India)
  • Senior Technical Officer at PPVFRA, NASC Complex, New Delhi from Dec4,2007 to Dec 19, 2010.

 Most significant achievements (in last five years)

  • Developed and released following maize hybrids, viz., DMRH 1308 (Field Corn), DMRH 1301 (Field Corn), DMRH 1402 (Pop Corn)
  • DQL 2048 and DQL 2105-1 with high tryptophan& lysine content with moderately resistant to MLB and TLB diseases.
  • DQL 2019 tolerant to Charcoal rot, high tryptophan and lysine content and DML 339 resistant to Charcoal rot and less ASI(2.0).
  • Developed Farm at ICAR-IIMR, Ludhiana

Publications in last five years

  1. Research papers
    1. Zaidi PH, Rashid Z, Vinayan MT, Almeida GD, Phagna Ramesh Kumar, Babu R (2015) QTL Mapping of Agronomic Waterlogging Tolerance Using Recombinant Inbred Lines Derived from Tropical Maize (Zea mays L) Germplasm. PLoS ONE 10(4): e0124350. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0124350
    2. Kumar R, Singode A, Chikkappa GK, Mukari G., Dubey RB, Komboj MC, Singh HC, Olakh DS, Ahmad B, Krishna M, Zaidi PH, Debnath M K, Seetharama, K and Yadav OP. (2014). Assessment of genotype × environment interaction for grain yield in maize hybrids under rainfed ecology. SABRAO J. Genet and Pl. Breed. 46 (2) 284-292.
    3. Lenka D, Tripathi SK, Kumar R, Behera M and Ranjan R.( 2015) Assessment of genetic diversity in Quality Protein Maize(QPM) inbreds using SSR markers’. J. Env. Biol., 36, 985-992
    4. Kaul J, Kumar, R., Nara U, Om Prakash, Singh, PK.(2015) Intellectual Property Rights for Maize Varieties of India. Agri. 15(2): 295-299
    5. Kumar R., Kaul J., Dubey R. B., Singode A., Chikkappa G. K., Manivannan A. and Debnath, M. K. 2015. Assessment of drought tolerance in maize (Zea mays ) based on different indices. SABRAO J. Breed and Genet.47 (3) 291-298, 2015
    6. Malik VK, Kumar R, Jaglan MS and Komboj MC.2015.Identification of new sources of resistance against Maydis Leaf Blight(MLB) and Banded Leaf and Sheath Blight (BLSB) diseases in Quality Protien Maize (QPM). Prog. Res. 10(1): 606-608
    7. Chaudhary DP, Kumar A, Kumar R, Singode A, Mukri G, Sah RP, Tiwana,US and Kumar,B.2016.Evaluation of normal and specialty corn for fodder yield and quality traits. Range Mgmt.& Agroforestry 37(1): 79-83.
    8. Kumar, R., Kaul,J.,Chaudhary DP. and Hooda KS. 2016. Identification of multiple disease resistance sources in Quality Protein Maize germplasm. Progressive Res. Vol 11(3):400-403
    9. Kumar R, Chikkappa G K, Singh SB, Mukri G, Kaul, J, Das AK, Sravani D, Olakh DS and Bhatia D. 2017. Multivariate analysis for yield and its component traits in experimental maize hybrids.Agri.Sci.Vol.9,No.3219-225.
    10. Mukri, G.,Biradar,BD.,Sajjanar,GH and Kumar, R.2016.Pollen Sterility and seed setting: Their role in deciding the yield of soghum (Sorghum bicolor L Moench) under low temperature regimes. J.Bioresorce Stress Management.7(6): 1377-1382.
    11. Kaul J, Kumar R, Nara U, Jain K, Olakh DS, Tiwari T, Yadav OP, and Dass S. 2017. Development of data base of maize hybrids and open pollinated varieties released and notified for cultivation in India.Agri.Sci.Vol.9, No.10:105-113.
    12. Singh SB, Phagna RK, Kumar B and Kumar S. 2017. Determination of selection indices for Waterlogging stress tolerance in Maize (Zea mays L.) under field conditions. Biol.Res.19 (2):172-179
    13. Kaul J, Kumar R, Nara U, Jain K, Olakh DS, Tiwari T, Yadav OP, and Dass S. 2018. An overview of registration of Maize Genetic Resources in India. J.Curr.Microbio.App.Sci.7 (2): 933-950.
    14. Mukri G, Kumar R, RajendranA, Kumar B, Hooda KS, Chikkappa G K, Singh V, Jat SL, Das AK, Sekhar JC and Singh SB. 2018. Strategic selection of white maize inbred lines for tropical adaptation and their utilization in developing stable, medium to long duration maize hybrids. Maydica . 63 : 1-8
    15. Bala, M, Solanki, C, Arun K T V, Tushir S and Kumar R. 2019. Effect of moisture content on some physical properties of HQPM-5 quality protein maize (Zea mays L.). J. Agric. Sci. 89(3): 463-68.
    16. Kumar R., Kumar P. , Kaur Yashmeet , Chikkappa G. K., Chaudhary D. P., Goyal M and Tiwana U. S.2018. Evaluation of maize hybrids for grain and fodder purpose. Range Mgmt. & Agroforestry 39 (2): 182-190
    17. Sunil N, Rekha B, Yathish KR, Sekhar JC, Ramesh P, Vadez V. 2018.Leasyscan an efficient phenotyping plateform for identification of pre-breeding genetic stocks in maize. Maize journal. Vol. 7(1):16-22
    18. Singh A, Chaudhary DP, Kumar R and Rakshit S.2019.Analysis of granule-associated Starch branching enzyme IIb, involved in amylose extender mutation of maize. J Pl. Breed., 10 (4): 1581-1585
    19. Kumar S, Kumar R and Chaudhary DP. 2019. Carbohydrate Metabolism in the Developing Kernel of Normal, Sweet Corn and Quality Protein Maize.. Ind. J. Agri. Bioch., Vol. 32(2): 154 – 159.
    20. Review/Popular articles
  2. Kumar P, Choudhary M, Hossain F, Singh NK, Choudhary P, Gupta M, Singh V, Chikappa GK, Kumar R, Kumar B, Jat SL and Rakshit S. 2019. Nutritional quality improvement in maize (Zea mays): Progress and challenges. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(6): 895-911.

 Books edited

  1. Kumar, A., Jat, S. L., Kumar, R. and O.P. Yadav.2013. Maize Production systems for improving resource-use efficiency and livelihood security. Directorate of Maize Research, Pusa Campus, New Delhi, 123p. (ISBN 978-81-928624-04-8)
  1. Book chapters
  1. Alla Singh, Ramesh Kumar, Vishal Singh and Yogesh Vikal (2017). Agricultural Sustainability: Biotechnological Perspectives. In Birendra Kumar and Rajbir Singh (Ed.), Sustainable Agriculture for food security: Concept and Approaches (pp. 140-147). Astral publishing House, New Delhi. ISBN: 978-81-7622-4116.
  2. Ramesh Kumar, Vishal Singh, Ganapati Mukri, Alla Singh, Mukesh Choudhary and Sunil Neelam (2017). Agricultural sustainability through plant breeding. In Birendra Kumar and Rajbir Singh (Ed.), Sustainable Agriculture for food security: Concept and Approaches (pp. 140-147). Astral publishing House, New Delhi. ISBN: 978-81-7622-4116.
  3. N Shivaraj, N Sunil, Ramesh Kumar and M T Reddy(2017).Agro-Biodiversity inIndia: Status and Concerns. In Birendra Kumar and Rajbir Singh (Ed.), Sustainable Agriculture for food security: Concept and Approaches (pp. 121-137). Astral publishing House, New Delhi. ISBN: 978-81-7622-4116.

 Significant recognition

  • Joint Secretary, Maize Technologists Association of India, 2018 – 20
  • Best Scientist Award, ICAR-IIMR for period 2019-20
  • Awarded Young Fellow Award by the Society for Recent Development in Agriculture on the occasion of 1st Indian Agricultural Scientists and Farmers congress  during 12-14 November, 2009, held at SVBP University of Agriculture & Technology, Modipuram, Meerut(UP).