
भाकृअनुप - भारतीय मक्का अनुसंधान संस्थान

ICAR - Indian Institute of Maize Research

(ISO 9001:2015 certified)

Nurturing Diversity, Resilience, Livelihood & Industrial Inputs

RMR&SPC, Begusarai

Regional Maize Research and Seed Production Centre, Begusarai, Bihar


The Regional Maize Research and Seed Production Centre, Kushmahaut, Begusarai was established on 4th May 1997. It is situated 16 km towards North from District Head Quarter at village Kushmahaut. It is approximately 9 km from Lakho village on National Highway-31. The centre is well connected with road & rail. Nearest major railway station is Begusarai (BGS) followed by Barauni (BJU). Patna is the nearest Air Port which is nearly 150km away. The centre has total 97.3 acre of land including 83 acres under research and seed production. The centre also has good infrastructure facilities like spacious office campus with labs, tube wells for irrigation, residential quarters for technical and supporting staff at farm, three tractors, necessary machinery and equipment, implement sheds and green parks. The climatic conditions at the centre are medium winter, hot and humid summer and normal rainy season which provides suitable environment for maize cultivation in all three seasons.
A guest house, farmers hostel and residential complex for scientific and technical staff of Regional Maize Research and Seed Production Centre was established on 30 December 2004 in 3 acre land at Vishnupur in Begusarai City. This campus has 16 residential quarters, green parks, small playground secured with boundary wall.

Major Activities Objective:
• To develop the maize hybrids suitable for the eastern region of India.
• To produce the parental seeds of the experimental/public hybrids

At this centre, research is going on climate resilient maize hybrid development. Keeping in view higher productivity of inbreds and hybrids during rabi season, most of maize breeding research work of all the scientists of IIMR like generation advancement, evaluation, seed multiplication of inbred lines and selected cross combinations is being undertaken at this centre. During kharif season, research is mainly focused on evaluation of hybrid combination under normal and waterlogging environment and generation advancement of inbred lines/segregating lines.

Seed Production
Breeder seed of maize parental lines of QPM hybrid HQPM-1 and non-QPM Hybrid DHM-117, DMRH 1301, DMRH 1308 are also being taken up during Rabi season as per requirement. In addition to maize, seed production of wheat is taking up in the fields left for isolation of maize seed production, to meet the local seed requirement and generate revenue. Similarly, during Kharif season, Soybean seed is being produced for enriching soil by crop rotation, meeting local seed requirement, maintaining isolation distance for kharif maize seed production.

Extension activities
The centre is engaged in extending the various maize technologies to farmers through Front Line Demonstrations at farmer’s field, by participation in Kisan Melas, stall exhibitions, distribution of maize literature, leaflets, pamphlets etc. Training programme for officers/ officials of state agriculture departments and farmers are also conducted time to time on various aspects like scientific maize cultivation, hybrid seed production, value addition in maize, Fall army worm management etc. Trainings were also conducted specially for tribal farmers. Field days, field visits and farmer-scientist interaction programmes are also organized at the centre.

Regional Maize Research and Seed Production Centre Farm, Kushmahaut, Begusarai