
भाकृअनुप - भारतीय मक्का अनुसंधान संस्थान

ICAR - Indian Institute of Maize Research

(ISO 9001:2015 certified)

Nurturing Diversity, Resilience, Livelihood & Industrial Inputs

Bajaura (Himachal Pradesh)

Name of centre (Latitude/Longitude):
(Longitude:   77°, Latitude:  31° 8´ N)
Address: CSKHPKV, Hill Agricultural Research & Extension Centre, Bajaura
District Kullu (H.P.)- 175125

Staff details:

S. No. Designation No. of sanctioned posts Filled Vacant
A. Scientific Staff
1.Principal Scientist(Breeding)11
2.Asstt. Maize Breeder11
3.Asstt. Agronomist11
4.Asstt. Maize Pathologist11
B. Technical Staff
1.Technical Assistants44
C. Supporting Staff
1.Field Assistants22
3.LDC/ Typist11


  • Development of medium and early maturing single cross hybrids and composites for different types of maize
  • Studies of prevalent diseases
  • Development of agro techniques for newly released cultivars and INM in maize based cropping system
  • Integrated management of major insect and pests

Farm area: 7.34 ha

Significant achievements:

  1. Hybrid released & Notified
  2. Parvati Composite vide -/Notification No 386(E) 15/05/1990

Early Composite released  (SVRC) in the state

Girija composite released (SVRC) in the state

Bajaura Makka Registration No. 41 of 2015 (PPV&FRA)Notification No. 2458 (E) 16.10.2008

Bajaura Sweet corn released (SVRC) in the state

Bajaura Popcorn released (SVRC) in the state

 VL 78 (Babycorn) recommended in the state

HQPM 1 recommended in the state

Palam Sankar Makka 1(EM) vide Notification No. 01/10/2015 2680(E) for zone 5(Central  Western Zone) comprising the states viz; Rajasthan, Gujarat, Chattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh

Palam Sankar Makka 2 (EHL 161708) vide Notification No. 29/06/2016 2238(E) for Zone I (Northern and north-eastern hill zone)

2. Registered under Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Authority(PVFRA)

  • Bajaura Makka 1(L173) vide Registration No 41 dated January 22nd,2015.
  • Bajaura Makka (L 201 Composite) vide Registration No. 278dated 26/August/2016

Hybrid under DUS Testing

  • Palam Sankar Makka1 vide application No. REG/2016/699 dated 07/06/2016 and

No. REG/2016/698 dated 07/06/2016 for Palam Sankar Makka 2

3. Use of Doubled Haploid Technology

  • Doubled haploid technology has been used for producing inbred lines with 100 percent purity in just 2-3 generations by using inducer lines (procured from CIMMYT) in maize.  Haploid induction rate (HIR) was worked out on the basis of two years study; HIR was observed 4.29 per cent. The seeds from each induction crosses were treated with cholchicine of 0.04 per cent to double the chromosomes for obtaining doubled haploid plants. 

4. Seed Production

  • Seed of different types of maize composite varieties 40.76 quintals, hybrids 16.23 quintals and parental inbred lines 2.72 quintals was produced.

5. Crop production

  • Agrotechniques for seed production of single cross maize hybrid HQPM-1 were standardized – Female and male inbred lines should be planted in the row ratio of 4:1 with plant spacing of 60×20 cm  and 150 kg N (5 splits), 65 kg P2O5 and 65 kg K2O/ha fertilizer dose under mid hill conditions of Himachal Pradesh.
  • Based on studies for 3 crop rotations, application of crop residue @ 5 t/ha (dry weight basis) in maize crop as mulch resulted in increase in grain yield of maize to the tune of 29 % and that of wheat to the tune of 11 % in maize –wheat system under rainfed conditions. In maize-wheat cropping system, SSNM based on nutrient expert gave significantly higher maize grain yield over RDF. But for residual effect on wheat yield, SSNM remained statistically at par with RDF, however, these both were superior to FP.
  • Planting at high density (60×15 cm) gave significantly higher grain yield of maize hybrids than normal density (60×20 cm). STCR based nutrient management & SSNM were superior to RDF.
  • For weed control in maize, Pendimethalin (1000 ml a.i./ha) pre-emergence fb. Atrazine (750 g a.i./ha) + 2,4-D Amine (0.4 kg a.i./ha) at 25 DAS, and Atrazine (1.5 kg a.i./ha) pre-emergence fb. Tembotrione (120 g a.i./ha) at 25 DAS were found to be as good as Weed Free with respect to grain yield..

6. Pathology

  • A total of 1824 normal maize, 287 Speciality corn genotypes, 1854 inbreds and 139 Maize Hybrids of Private and Public Sector were screened against Turcicum leaf blight (TLB) pathogen under artificial epiphytotic conditions. About 1100 genotypes of normal maize, 154 genotypes of speciality corn, 824 inbreds and 109 Maize Hybrids of Private and Public Sector were found resistant to TLB.
  • Single spray with Trifloxystrobin 25% + Tebuconazole 50% @ 0.05% was found most effective in the management of Banded Leaf & Sheath Blight (BLSB) which gave 53.5% BLSB control.
  • Assessment of avoidable yield losses experiment revealed that Turcicum leaf blight (TLB) of maize can cause 10.8 per cent losses in yield.
  • Maize trap nursery used for monitoring of existing diseases and appearance of new diseases. This data used for disease forewarning. 

 8. Entomology

Management of white grubs and cut worms on maize:

  •  Use light trap for population monitoring and trapping of beetles for the control of white grubs and moths of cut worms in maize w.e.f. 1st week of April.
  • For the control of white grubs, adopt mechanical control of beetles on preferred host tree(s)/plant(s) namely wild apricot, chinnar, willow, beul, wild rose, pomegranate or apply insecticides viz., chlorpyriphos 20 EC @ 0.05 to 0.1% on most preferred host plant/tree of the beetles during their peak emergence period. Soil application of insecticides viz., chlorpyrifos 20 EC @ 0.80 kg a.i./ha or imidacchoprid 200 SL @ 0.08 kg a.i./ha about 20-25 days after mass emergence of beetles.
  • In low lying areas (1100 m amsl), sowing of maize should be done in the 1st fortnight of June while in higher elevated areas (1350 m amsl and above), sowing should be done between last week of May and 1st week of June by using 25 kg/ha seed rate at each location to compensate the damage done by cut worms. Alternatively, sow seed @ 20 kg/ha after treating with chlorpyrif 20 EC @ 20 ml/kg seed or imidacloprid 200 SL @ 4 ml/kg seed or apply fenvalrate 0.4% DP @ 25 kg/ha in soil at sowing time.