
भाकृअनुप - भारतीय मक्का अनुसंधान संस्थान

ICAR - Indian Institute of Maize Research

(ISO 9001:2015 certified)

Nurturing Diversity, Resilience, Livelihood & Industrial Inputs

IMH 222

Parent: IML 14 X BML 7
Year of release: 2022
Gazette Notification: S.O. 4065 (E) Sl. No. 71 Dated 31st August, 2022
Season: Rabi
Yield: 10.19 t/ha
Maturity: Medium
Recommended for cultivation in: Punjab, Haryana, Plains of Uttarakhand, Western UP and Delhi
Special features:    The variety has shown significant yield superiority (17.53%) over the relevant best check in North Western Plains Zone.  This hybrid is moderately resistant to Chilo partellus insect, Charcoal rot, Turcicum leaf blight, resistant to Maydis leaf blight and Fusarium stalk rot (FSR) diseases. This hybrid is responsive to high inputs.