Title of project: Development of high yielding maize hybrids for different ecologies
Project funding: Institute
- To develop and evaluate productive inbred lines for desirable traits
- To develop cross combinations among inbreds using suitable mating designs
- To identify superior hybrid(s) for different regions
Project team: PI: Bhupender Kumar; Co-PIs: S.B. Singh, K.S.Hooda, Ramesh Kumar, Chikkappa G.K., Vishal Singh, Yatish & Ravikeshvan R
Duration: 2014-2019
Major achievements:
- Developed six single cross hybrids in maize (DMRH1301, DMRH1308, DMRH1305, DMRHP1402, IMHB1539 & IMHB1532) which were released and notified through CVRC for cultivation in different parts of the country (Plate 3).
- Developed and registered one unique inbred lines such as DML339 tolerant to charcoal rot disease in normal genetic background
- Three more hybrids have been identified for release during April 2019 by VIC
- Total 87 new inbred lines have been developed and evaluated for various useful traits and submitted at NBPGR and received IC numbers for all.
- Established the genetics and developed the RILs mapping populations for MLB resistance in tropical maize germplasm and identified sources of resistance/tolerant for MLB, TLB and charcoal rot diseases
Plate 3. Selected hybrids released and notified for cultivation in different ecologies of the country