Nurturing Diversity, Resilience, Livelihood & Industrial Inputs
Designation: Scientist Sr. Scale(Ag. Biotechnology)
Qualification: Ph.D. in Life Sciences (Plant Sciences) from International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB), JNU, New Delhi
Address: ICAR-Indian Institute of Maize Research Delhi Office, Pusa Campus, IARI, New Delhi-110012 (INDIA)
Email: krishan.kumar6@icar.gov.in, krishjiwra@gmail.com
Work experience:
Area of interest:
Transcriptomic studies and development of Genome Edited maize for useful breeding traits.
Most significant achievements (in last five years):
Publications in last five years:
Research/Review papers
Popular articles
Book chapters
Significant recognition
Project Associations:
Institutional/ In-House