
भाकृअनुप - भारतीय मक्का अनुसंधान संस्थान

ICAR - Indian Institute of Maize Research

(ISO 9001:2015 certified)

Nurturing Diversity, Resilience, Livelihood & Industrial Inputs

Dr. Seema Sepat

Designation: Senior Scientist (Agronomy)

Qualification: M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Agronomy from ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, Ph.D.

Address: ICAR-Indian Institute of Maize Research, PAU Campus

Email: seemasepat12@gmail.com/seema.sepat@icar.gov.in

Mobile: +91 8368623190

Phone: +91 0161 2440048 (O)

Fax: +91 0161 2430038

Work experience:

  • Senior Scientist (Agronomy) from December 15, 2018 – till date at ICAR-Indian Institute of Maize Research, Ludhiana, Punjab (India)
  • Scientist Senior Scale (Agronomy) from December 15, 2013 –October 16, 2020 at ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi (India)
  • Scientist (Agronomy) from April 23, 2010 – December 15, 2013 at Indian Institute of Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi (India)
  • Scientist Trainee (Agronomy) from December 15 2009- April 21 2010 at National Academy of Agricultural Research Management (India)

Area of interest:

Conservation agriculture, nutrient management and enhancement of soil fertility in cropping system.

Most significant achievements (in last five years):

  • Developed the nutrient protocol for pigeonpea varieties, viz., Pusa Arhar 16, PPusa Arhar 17-1, Pusa Arhar 2018-2.
  • Developed site-specific nutrient management protocol for maize-wheat cropping system in zero-till situations.
  • Developed irrigation scheduling in direct-seeded rice.

Publications in last five years

Research Papers:

  • Sepat-Seema., Thierfelder, C., Sharma, A.R., Pavuluri, K., Kumar, D., Iquebal, M.A., Verma, A. 2017. Effects of weed control strategy on weed dynamics, soybean productivity and profitability under conservation agriculture in India. Field Crops Research210, 61-70.
  • Acharya, Dodla, S., Gaston, G.L., Darapuneni, M., Wang, J.J., Sepat, S., Bohara, H. 2019. Winter cover crops effect on soil moisture and soybean growth and yield under different tillage systems. Soil & Tillage Research195, 104430.
  • Bana, R.S., Singh, D., Nain, M.S., Kumar, H., Kumar, V. and Sepat, S. 2020 Weed control and rice yield stability studies across diverse tillage and crop establishment systems under on-farm environments, Soil & Tillage Research204:104729.
  • Dass, A., Shekhawat, K., Choudhary, A.K., Sepat, S., Rathore, S.S., Mahajan, G., Chauhan, B.S. 2016.Weed management in rice using crop competition-a review. Crop Protection95: 45-52.
  • Sepat-Seema, Sharma, A.R., Kumar, D. and Das T.K. 2015. Effect of conservation agriculture practices on productivity and sustainability of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L)-wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cropping system in Indo-Gangetic plains of India. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences85 (2): 212–216.
  • Sepat-Seema and Kumawat, A. 2020. Effect of irrigation scheduling on growth, yield and water use efficiency of direct–seeded rice Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences90 (2): 3015
  • Sepat-Seema, RS Raje, M Patial, V Singh, G Singh, RG Prashat. 2021.Effect of sowing and plant spacing on pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan) for higher productivity and profitability in India Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences91 (1), 64-67
  • Kumar, D., Ahmedhamd-Alla, W.A., Shivay, Y.S., Singh, N., Rishiraj, Pooniya, V., Sepat-Seema,Baliyan, V., and Mehrotra, S. 2021. Diversification of rice-wheat cropping system to sustain the productivity and profitability Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences91 (5): 112-115
  • Raghavendra, M., Singh, Y.V., Meena, M.C., Das, T.K., Sepat-Seema, S. and Verma, R.K. 2020. System productivity and economics influenced by residue and potassium management in maize (Zea mays) wheat (Triticum aestivum) rotation. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences90(4):784-9

Review/Popular articles:

  • सीमासेपटअधिकउपजव्आमदनीहेतुउन्नतसस्यविधियागेहूव्जौस्वर्णिमा: 78-79पृष्टसंख्या220.
  • Sepat Seema and Kumar, D. 2017. Climate Change Implication for Indian Agriculture Agriculture Extension Review 1:1-5.
  • अनीता कुमावत एवं सीमा सेपट जलवायु परिवर्तन में धान के अधिक उत्पादन द्वारा लाभ। गेहु एवं जों स्वर्णिमा1: 39-42.
  • अनीता कुमावत एवं सीमा सेपट दलहनी फसलों में समेकित खरपतवार परभन्धन। गेहु एवं जों स्वर्णिमा1: 52-53.
  • सीमा सेपट एवं राम स्वरूप बाना 2017 खरीफ की दलहनी फसल की वैज्ञानिक खेती. प्रसार दूत22 (2) 17-18.
  • Seema Sepat and Dinesh Kumar 2019 Major agricultural activities in the month of June Indian Farming 69(5 ): 49-52.
  • Seema Sepat and Dinesh Kumar 2019 Major agricultural activities during July Indian Farming 69(6):33-38.
  • Seema Sepat and Dinesh Kumar 2019 August: Agricultural activities Indian Farming69(7):19-24.

Book chapters:

  • Bana, R.S. and Sepat Seema. 2017. Advances in resource management for enhancing crop productivity and resource use efficiency under rainfed ecologies. In: Training Manual on ‘Conservation agriculture for enhancing crop productivity and resource-use efficiency’. [ICN: TB-ICN: 170/2017], (Eds. Behera, U.K., Meena, S.L., Sepat, S. And Bana, R.S.). ICAR- IARI, New Delhi publication. Pp. 55-69.
  • Yadav, A.L., Bana, R.S. and Sepat Seema. 2017. Conservation agriculture: Benefits and its role in climate change mitigation and crop productivity. In: Training Manual on ‘Conservation agriculture for enhancing crop productivity and resource-use efficiency’. [ICN: TB-ICN: 170/2017], (Eds. Behera, U.K., Meena, S.L., Sepat, S. And Bana, R.S.). ICAR- IARI, New Delhi publication. Pp. 55-69.

Technical Bulletins:

  • S. Bana, Sepat-Seema, Jat, G.R., Mehra, G.S., Jhoshi, P. and Paderai, R.N. 2021. सरंक्षणकृषि: सततउत्पादनऔरआयहेतुएकबेहतरविकल्प|Technical bulletin by ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi [ICN:H-185/2021]. P 185

Significant recognition:

  • NE Borlaug Fellowship (USDA) 2015
  • FAO Scientist Travel Fellowship, 2014
  • Associate Fellow Indian Society of Agronomy 2021
  • Reviewer in 7th World Congress on Conservation Agriculture and 25th Congreso Aapresid Argentina (June 2017).
  • Appreciation award from Afghanistan, Independent Directorate of Local Governance Kandahar Joint Director Education during 2014, 2016 and 2018.
  • Associate Editor in Indian Journal of Agronomy published by Indian Society of Agronomy, New Delhi (2013-2014).
  • Editorial/organizing committee member of 3rd International Agronomy Congress (December 2014); National Symposium (October 2016), and 4th International Agronomy Congress (February 2016).
  • Senior Research Fellowship by Indian Agricultural Research Institute for PhD at IARI, New Delhi, India (August 2005 – December 2009).
  • Junior Research Fellowship by Indian Council of Agricultural Research for MSc at IARI, New Delhi, India in (August 2003 – June 2005).
  • Shri Ram Puraskar by Fertilizer Association of India, New Delhi (2013-2014).