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Auction notice of farm produce at ICAR-IIMR, Ladhowalnew GeM Tender BID NO: GEM/2024/B/5307045 for providing farm operation services at RMR&SPC Begusarai LAST DATE 10.09.2024 TIME 4 PMnew Bid for Multi Row Harvesternew GeM Tender BID NO: GEM/2024/B/5280505 for providing farm operation services at IIMR HQ LADHOWAL LUDHIANA LAST DATE 02.09.2024 TIME 4 PMnew GeM tender BID NO: GEM/2024/B/5261708 for providing farm operation services at WNC Hyderabad LAST DATE 28.8.2024 TIME 3 PMnew GeM tender BID NO: GEM/2024/B/5260499 for providing farm operation services at IIMR PUSA DELHI UNIT OFFICE LAST DATE 28.8.2024 TIME 2 PMnew Auction notice of farm produce at RMR&SPC, Begusarainew Advertisement for the posts of SRF and YP-II at ICAR-IIMRnew Recruitment Advt notice for YP-II and YP-I at ICAR-IIMR, Ludhiana GeM tender bid document for providing Vehicle hiring services at IIMR, HQ for two years LAST DATE OF BID SUBMISSION 12.07.2024 TIME 5:00 PM BID OPENING DATE 12.07.2024 TIME 5:30 PM Recruitment Advt notice for YP-1 at ICAR-IIMR, Ludhiana GeM tender bid document for providing Vehicle hiring services at RMR&SPC Begusarai for two years LAST DATE OF BID SUBMISSION 05.07.2024 TIME 5:00 PM BID OPENING DATE 05.07.2024 TIME 5:30 PM GeM tender bid document for providing farm field operation services at RMR&SPC Begusarai for two years LAST DATE OF BID SUBMISSION 12.07.2024 TIME 5:00 PM BID OPENING DATE 12.07.2024 TIME 5:30 PM GeM tender bid document for providing security outsourcing services at ICAR-IIMR, Ludhiana/Ladhowal for two years LAST DATE OF BID SUBMISSION 01.07.2024 TIME 5:00 PM BID OPENING DATE 01.07.2024 TIME 5:30 PM GeM bid for cold room at ICAR-IIMR Ludhiananew GeM tender bid document for providing farm field operation services at WNC Hyderabad for two years LAST DATE OF BID SUBMISSION 05.07.2024 TIME 5:00 PM BID OPENING DATE 05.07.2024 TIME 5:30 PMnew GeM tender bid document for providing farm field operation services at ICAR-IIMR, Ludhiana for two years LAST DATE OF BID SUBMISSION 05.07.2024 TIME 5:00 PM BID OPENING DATE 05.07.2024 TIME 5:30 PMnew List of selected candidates for the posts of YP-II and YP-I under the project “Enhancement of maize production in catchment areas of ethanol industries” Bid for Silage Baler Bid for multi row harvester Auction notice for Wheat at ICAR-IIMR, Ladhowal, Ludhiana Advertisement for the posts of Technical Assistant/Project Associate-I at ICAR-IIMR Advertisement of interview for the post of SRF at ICAR-IIMR Ludhiana Walk-in interview for the post of YP-II at ICAR-IIMR Ludhiana Auction notice of Farm produce at RMR&SPC, Begusarai Auction notice for wheat at ICAR-IIMR, Ladhowal Farm Corrigendum for the recruitment of YP-I and YP-II Advertisement for recruitment of the posts of RC, YP-II and YP-I GeM Tender bid document for providing manpower services on minimum wages at ICAR-IIMR, Ludhiana/Hyderabad/Begusarai/Delhi for two years, last date 08.04.2024 pre bid meeting on 30.03.2024 time 2:00 PM. pre bid meeting is compulsory to attend otherwise bid will be disqualified Corrigendum for the recruitment of the posts of SRF and YP-II at ICAR-IIMR Delhi unit Corrigendum for recruitment of RA, SRF, YP-II and YP-I at ICAR-IIMR, Delhi unit the posts of Corrigendum for Recruitment advt for the posts of SRF and YP-II at ICAR-IIMR Delhi unit Corrigendum for Recruitment Advertisement for SRF at ICAR-IIMR Ludhiana Walk-in-Interview for the recruitment of the posts of SRF at ICAR-IIMR Ludhiana ICAR-IIMR in News: Govt plans to procure more maize to ramp up production of ethanol (Hindustant Times, March 05, 2024) Advertisement for recruitment of the posts of SRF and YP-II at ICAR-IIMR, Delhi unit Advertisement for recruitment of the posts of RA, SRF, YP-II and YP-I at ICAR-IIMR, Delhi Unit ICAR-IIMR in News: मक्का से एथेनॉल उत्पादन बढ़ाने के लिए सरकार का अब रिसर्च पर फोकस (source: Walk-in-Interview for recruitment of YP-II at ICAR-IIMR, Ludhiana GeM bid for Prefab Shelternew GeM bid for silk bag GeM bid for tassel bag Tender bid document for providing manpower services on minimum wages at ICAR-IIMR, Ludhiana/Hyderabad/Begusarai/Delhi for two years, last date 16.02.2024 Auction notice for Paddy at ICAR-IIMR, Ladhowal farm Advertisement for posts of SRP, YP-II and YP-I at IIMR, Delhi Unit Advertisement for post of YP-I at IIMR, Ludhiana Advertisement for post of YP-I at WNC, Hyderabad Advertisement for posts of SRF Advertisement for posts of SRF and YP-I Gem Bid for Drip irrigation system at WNC Hyderabad