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Advertisement for the post of YP-I at ICAR-IIMR Ludhiananew Corrigendum for auction of mango orchardnew Advertisement for the post of SRF at ICAR-IIMRnew Auction notice of Mango Orchard at ICAR-IIMR Ludhiananew Corrigendum for Gem bid no. Bid Number: GEM/2025/B/5966835new Advertisement for the post of SRF at ICAR-IIMR Ludhiananew Advertisement for the posts of RA and YP-Inew Advertisement for the post of SRF at ICAR-IIMR Delhinew GeM bid for Shednew GeM bid for genotype by sequencingnew Advertisement for the post of YP-I at ICAR-IIMR Ludhiananew Auction notice of farm produce at RMR&SPC, Begusarainew Advertisement for the posts of JRF, RA-I and Lab Assistant at ICAR-IIMRnew GeM bid for purchase of Herbicidesnew Advertisement for the post of YP-II at WNC, Hyderabadnew GeM bid for High Performance Liquid Chromatographynew GeM bid for GC-MS Agro-advisories on Maize for January Month GeM bid for Transgenic Green House Facility with automatic control system GeM Bid for Transgenic Green House Facility with Fan & Pad cooling system GeM Bid for Net House Facility Filling up of vacant posts of Administrative and Technical cadre by Deputation/transfer/inter-institutional transfer at ICAR-IIMR, Ludhiana Advertisement for the post of JRF at ICAR-IIMR Ludhiana Auction notice of farm produce at ICAR-IIMR Ludhiana Holidays to be observed during calendar year 2025 at ICAR-IIMR Ludhiana GeM bid for GC-MS Advertisement for the post of YP-I at ICAR-IIMR Ludhiana Winter School on Climate Smart Maize Agriculture for Food and Energy Security of India (5-25 March, 2025) AARAMBH 1.0- Agri-Business Incubation Programme GeM Bid for DSLR GeM bid for High performance liquid chromatography GeM Bid for Metabolite Identification and profiling Corrigendum for Auction Notice of Farm Produce at ICAR-IIMR, Ladhowal Farm, Ludhiana Auction Notice of Farm Produce at ICAR-IIMR, Ladhowal Farm, Ludhiana GeM Bid for Plant growth chamber GeM Bid for Microplate Spectrophotometer GeM Bid for Microscope GeM Bid for Farm Consumables GeM bid for Incubator shaker with magnetic drive Auction notice of Fishes at RMR&SPC Begusarai Advertisement for posts of Young Professionals at ICAR-IIMR GeM bid for farm field consumables at Begusarai GeM bid for cold module at Begusarai, Bihar Agro-advisories on Maize for November Month Corrigendum for the advertisement for the posts of RA and YP-II Advertisement for the post of SRF at ICAR-IIMR Ludhiana Advertisement for the posts of RA and YP-II at ICAR-IIMR Advertisement for a post of YP-I at ICAR-IIMR, Ludhiana Auction notice for maize and moong at IIMR Ladhowal farm Advertisement for walk-in interview of the posts of YP-II and technical assistant at ICAR-IIMR Ludhiana